How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles? Average Times for Various Age Groups and Genders

Walking is one of the most common and accessible forms of exercise for people of all fitness levels. Whether it’s for leisure, commuting, or training for an event, many set a goal of achieving 5 miles in a single walk. 

How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles? The amount of time it takes to cover this distance can vary significantly depending on factors like age, gender, health, and pace. Determining average completion times for 5 miles enables walkers to plan their routes and routines better. 

This article explains research on walking 5 miles and provides estimated times for different age groups and between males and females. Understanding normative data for pacing can help motivate walkers and help them track improvements over time as abilities change with training.

How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles?

Here is a simple breakdown of how long it takes to walk 5 miles:

  • Walking 5 miles is a good goal for many beginning or casual walkers. It’s an achievable distance for most healthy adults.
  • The time it takes can vary a lot depending on your age, gender, fitness level, and walking speed.
  • For most healthy adults, walking 5 miles at a moderate pace takes around 2-3 hours.
  • A moderate pace is around 3-4 miles per hour. At this speed, 5 miles would take between 1 hour 15 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • Faster walkers who can maintain 4-5 miles per hour can do 5 miles in under 2 hours.
  • Older adults and those less fit generally walk slower, so 5 miles could take them 2.5-3.5 hours at a comfortable speed.
  • Young children and teens are usually faster walkers than adults. They may be able to do 5 miles in 1.5-2.5 hours, depending on their age and fitness.
  • Men walk slightly faster than women, so it may take women a bit longer, like 2-3.5 hours for 5 miles.
  • Taking breaks, walking with others, or terrain can also impact completion time.

For 2-3 hours is an average time for most to walk 5 miles at a gentle, leisurely pace. Faster walkers may do it in under 2 hours.

How far is 5 miles?

Five miles is about 8 kilometers. To give some context for how far 5 miles is:

  • Driving in a car: 5 miles would take 10-30 minutes to drive, depending on local traffic conditions and speed limits.
  • Walking: The average person walks around 3 miles per hour. It would take most healthy adults around 1-2 hours to walk 5 miles at a casual pace.
  • City blocks: In most major cities, city blocks are around 0.1 miles each. So, 5 miles is equivalent to walking about 50 city blocks.
  • Running distance: 5 miles is a standard distance for beginning runners to work up to. It’s around the halfway point of a 10k (6.2 mile) race.
  • Trails: 5 miles is the approximate distance you could hike or walk around in many city parks in 2 to 3 hours while enjoying the scenery.
  • School track: Walking 5 miles would be equivalent to completing 25-30 total laps around a standard quarter-mile high school track.

Five miles is an achievable distance that most reasonably fit adults could walk over 1-2 hours. It’s further than you may think and provides some solid exercise benefits when completed at a moderate pace.

Average time to walk 5 miles for women by age

Here are some average estimated times for women to walk 5 miles based on age:

  • Women in their 20s: 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes

Young, fit women in their late teens to 20s are likely in their athletic prime. Many could walk 5 miles in under 2 hours at a comfortable pace.

  • Women in their 30s: 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours 45 minutes

Women in their 30s are generally still quite fit. Many regular walkers could do 5 miles in less than 2.5 hours.

  • Women in their 40s: 2 hours to 3 hours

As metabolism and fitness naturally decline a bit, women in their 40s often find 5 miles takes 2-3 hours at a leisurely pace.

  • Women in their 50s: 2 hours 15 minutes to 3 hours 15 minutes

By the 50s, walking 5 miles in under 3 hours requires dedication to regular exercise for most women.

  • Women in their 60s: 2 hours 30 minutes to 3 hours 30 minutes

Slower speeds are typical but still achievable with a commitment to activity in this decade.

  • Women 70+: 2 hours 45 minutes to 4 hours

Older women benefit most from a comfortable, social walking pace that emphasizes health over speed. Allow extra time as needed based on overall fitness level.

These are merely average estimates but can provide a baseline goal or expected time frames for women seeking to walk 5 miles regularly.

Average time to walk 5 miles for men by age

Here are some average estimated times for men to walk 5 miles based on age:

  • Men in their 20s: 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours

Young fit men in their late teens to 20s can often briskly walk 5 miles in under 2 hours without too much difficulty.

  • Men in their 30s: 1 hour 35 minutes to 2 hours 15 minutes

Most regular walking men in their 30s maintain a pace, allowing 5 miles to be completed in around 2 hours or less.

  • Men in their 40s: 1 hour 40 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes

By the 40s, some slowing is typical, but 5 miles can still often be achieved in less than 2.5 hours for moderately active men.

  • Men in their 50s: 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours 45 minutes

Walking 5 miles between 1.75 and 2.75 hours reflects average fitness levels for men in their 50s who exercise regularly.

  • Men in their 60s: 2 hours to 3 hours

Pace often declines further this decade, requiring 2-3 hours for the distance for many, though flexibility varies.

  • Men 70+: 2 hours 15 minutes to 3 hours 15 minutes

Social, low-impact walking at a comfortable pace becomes more important than speed for older adult men.

As with women, there is natural variation. These time ranges serve as general targets or expectations based on age, but individual fitness plays a role as well. Proper pacing matters most.

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Walk 5 Miles

What are the health benefits of walking?

Here are the significant health benefits of walking:

Improves heart health

  • Walking strengthens the heart muscles and lowers blood pressure and heart rate. This reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular diseases.

It helps in losing weight

  • Walking burns calories and aids weight loss when combined with a healthy diet. It can help control weight or shed extra pounds.

Reduces the risk of dangerous diseases

  • Regular walking may decrease the risk of various cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions.

Boosts immunity

  • The increased circulation during walks delivers more nutrients and oxygen to immune cells, improving their function.

Improves brain health

  • Walking stimulates the production of brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which elevate mood and prevent decline.

Encourages creative thinking

  • The quiet time spent walking outdoors lifts mental fog and provides brain breaks that spark new ideas and insights.

Increases energy levels

  • The activity fuels the body and mind with more oxygen, endorphins, and mitochondria, which fight fatigue.

Strengthens bones and muscles

  • Low-impact walking tones muscles and increases bone density, preventing osteoporosis and pain from arthritis.

Improves mood and mental health

  • Walking reduces stress and anxiety while uplifting mood through social engagement and exposure to nature.

walking has amazing whole-body and whole-mind benefits that boost both physical and mental well-being.

How do you make a 5-mile walk interesting?

Here are some ways to make a 5-mile walk more interesting:

  • Change your walking route: Explore new neighborhoods, trails, or parks to keep things fresh and engaging.
  • Listen to your favorite music or podcasts: Enjoyable audio content can help the time pass more enjoyably.
  • Walk with a friend or family member: Socializing makes exercise more motivating and fun. You can chat along the way.
  • Set goals: Challenge yourself to complete the 5 miles faster each week, or add mileage to work up to longer distances over time.
  • Add some strength exercises: Make squats, lunges, calf raises, or other moves during rest breaks to work multiple muscle groups.
  • Bring your dog: If you have a furry companion, they’ll love the daily outing and keep you company.
  • Take photos of nature: Be on the lookout for beautiful scenery, plants, and wildlife to photograph along your route.
  • Have an audiobook or movie playing: Follow a plotline to stay mentally engaged in the walk.
  • Bring water and healthy snacks: Hydrate and fuel up with fruits, nuts, or trail mixes to satisfy hunger.
  • Download a walking app: Games like Zombies and Run! Add interactive elements to routine walks.

Switching things up prevents boredom, so the 5 miles feel more like pleasurable exercise than a chore.

How many steps are in 5 miles?

Here is the calculation to determine how many steps are in 5 miles:

Average stride length:

  • The average stride length for most adults is around 2-2.5 feet per step.
  • Let’s use an average of 2.25 feet per step in our calculation.


  • There are 5,280 feet in 1 mile
  • To calculate steps, we’ll first convert 5 miles to feet:
  • 5 miles x 5,280 feet/mile = 26,400 feet


  • To get the number of steps, we divide the total feet by the average stride length:

26,400 feet / 2.25 feet per step = 11,733 steps

  • 5 miles is equal to 26,400 feet
  • With an average stride of 2.25 feet per step
  • It would take approximately 11,733 steps to walk 5 miles

This is just an estimate, as stride lengths can vary individually. However, it provides a good guideline for the step count required for walking 5 miles continuously at a casual pace.

Walk 5 Miles

How many calories do you burn walking 5 miles?

Here are the approximate calories burned by walking 5 miles:

  • For most adults, walking 5 miles at a moderate pace of 3-4 mph burns between 500-800 calories.
  • Calorie burn varies depending on factors like:
  • Body weight – Heavier individuals will burn more calories due to carrying extra weight.
  • Speed – Faster walking over four mph increases calorie burn compared to a more leisurely pace.
  • Terrain – Hilly or uneven ground requires more energy than flat surfaces.
  • Gender – On average, men burn 15-20% more calories than women for the same walk.


  • A 130 lb person would burn around 550 calories walking 5 miles in 2 hours.
  • A 180 lb person would burn approximately 700 calories.
  • Walking 5 miles in under 2 hours would equate to 700-800 calories burned for many.
  • Slower speeds over 3 hours may result in 500-600 calories burned.

one can expect to burn 500-800 calories by completing a 5-mile walk at a moderate, continuous pace, with heavier or speedier individuals experiencing higher calorie expenditure.

Is walking 5 miles daily enough?

Here are a few pointers on whether walking 5 miles daily is enough exercise:

  • For general health and weight management, 30 minutes per day of moderate exercise is recommended most days per week. Walking 5 miles would meet or exceed this in 45-90 minutes, depending on speed.
  • Walking 5 miles daily provides significant cardiovascular and calorie-burning benefits. It can help control weight and reduce the risk of many diseases when done regularly.
  • Most other major health organizations recommend 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic exercise. Walking 5 miles daily would meet this minimum.
  • For more intensive training goals like sports performance, an additional strength/weight routine may be needed 2-3 times per week.
  • For optimal health, mixing in some faster-walking intervals or varying terrains could provide a cross-training impact.

walking 5 miles per day can meet basic health guidelines on its own for most people. Adding occasional variety helps maximize benefits, but it’s a great starting point or foundation for a daily fitness routine.

Can a 5-mile daily walk help you lose weight?

Yes, a daily 5-mile walk can help promote weight loss. Here are a few key points:

  • Walking burns calories: A 150-pound person can burn around 300-400 calories by walking 5 miles, depending on speed and terrain. Over time, this extra calorie burn can lead to weight loss.
  • It’s sustainable: For many people, walking 5 miles per day is achievable without being overly taxing. This makes it a pace that can be easily maintained for continued weight management.
  • It boosts metabolism: Regular walking strengthens the heart and improves circulation. Both of these lead to a slightly elevated metabolism, meaning more calories are burned even at rest.
  • Stress reduction: Walking has mental health benefits that can prevent stress eating. Less stress means better weight control overall.
  • Pair it with a healthy diet: Alone, walking 5 miles a day may yield only modest weight loss. However, combined with a calorie-controlled diet, the results can be more significant.

walking 5 miles per day is an excellent exercise that, when maintained consistently as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, can contribute to healthy and sustainable weight loss.

How do I track my walk time?

Here are some excellent options for tracking your walk time:

  • Smartwatch or fitness tracker: Many popular brands like Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch have built-in pedometers to track your walks automatically. They will log time, distance, pace, and calories burned.
  • Mobile app: Apps like MapMyWalk, Runtastic, and Strava let you manually start/stop tracking on your phone. They use GPS to track the distance and time for each walk.
  • Google Maps timeline: Your Google account tracking history can show your daily movements so you can look back and roughly estimate walk duration.
  • Start/finish time: Note the time you start and finish each walk. Then, calculate the total time spent walking that day.
  • Fitness app: Track walks in apps like MyFitnessPal, Lose It!, or Fitness, which allow you to log exercise time and calories burned.
  • Journal/planner: Write down the start and end times each day in a dedicated walking journal or fitness planner.
  • Timer/stopwatch: Use the timer on your phone or smartwatch to manually time each walk.

The key is finding a consistent, easy method you’ll stick with for a long time. Apps/devices that auto-track are the most straightforward, but manually noting times each walk also works well. Track daily to see walking minutes add up over weeks.

Walking Tips for Beginners

Here are some tips for beginner walkers:

  • Wear comfortable shoes: Make sure to wear shoes that are supportive and cushioned for walking. Good walking shoes will prevent injuries.
  • Hydrate before and during your walk: Drink water before starting and bring water with you to stay hydrated. Dehydration can make you tired.
  • Fuel your body: Eat a small, easy-to-digest snack like a granola bar about 30 minutes before walking to keep your energy levels stable.
  • Warm-up and cool down: Include a 5-minute walk to warm up muscles at the start. Then, walk slower for 5 minutes to cool down at the end.
  • Stretch after walking: Gentle stretches can help reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility over time.
  • Use walking gear like sunscreen: Accessories protect you from environmental factors like sun/heat.
  • Make a route: Scouting paths make it easy to fit into your day instead of skipping them.
  • Find a walking buddy: Accountability and company can make walks more enjoyable and consistent.
  • Listen to podcasts: Entertainment makes the time pass faster and more pleasantly.
  • Track your progress: Use an app or journal to see improvement in distance, time, and pace over weeks of regular walking.
Walk 5 Miles

Frequently Asked Question

 How long does it typically take the average person to walk 5 miles?

For most healthy adults, it takes 2-3 hours to walk 5 miles at a casual pace of 2-3 miles per hour.

How long does it take for older adults versus younger adults?

Older adults aged 65+ may take 3-4 hours, while younger adults aged 18-30 typically take 2-2.5 hours. Both walking speed and endurance usually decline with age.

Is there a difference between walking times for men versus women?

On average, men tend to walk slightly faster than women. Most women take around 2.5-3.5 hours to walk 5 miles, while most men complete it in 2-3 hours. However, each individual’s fitness level is more important than gender.

How does body weight impact 5-mile walking time?

Heavier individuals will generally take longer as they must carry more weight with each step. Very fit individuals weighing less may complete 5 miles in under 2 hours.

How can someone speed up their 5-mile walking time?

Increasing walking speed and endurance over weeks through regular walks of increasing distances is critical. Other tips include walking routes with more hills and inclines, and using a treadmill on an incline.

Final Thoughts

Walking 5 miles is an achievable goal for many to work up to that provides significant health benefits. The time it takes can vary depending on factors like age, gender, fitness level, and pace. However, the estimates provided here can help walkers set realistic expectations and track their progress over time. 

For most adults, completing 5 miles in 2-3 hours at a moderate pace is a reasonable goal. Faster walking, being younger, or having a higher level of fitness allows completing the distance sooner. Regardless of the time it takes, making a 5-mile walk a regular part of one’s routine can reap rewards in terms of weight management, heart health, mobility, mood improvement, and more. 

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