How Long Does it Take to Walk 10 Miles a Day and What to Expect

Walking is a great way to stay active and healthy. But if you’re planning to walk 10 miles in a day, it’s essential to know what to expect and how long it might take you. This distance may seem daunting at first, but with proper preparation and pacing, it can be an achievable and enjoyable goal.

Whether you’re a seasoned walker or just starting, understanding the commitment required for a Walk 10 Miles a Day can help you plan accordingly and make the most of your experience. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this challenging yet rewarding distance.

We will discuss how long it typically takes to walk 10 miles and what factors can influence your walking time. We’ll also discuss some tips and considerations to help you prepare for and complete a 10-mile walk comfortably and safely.

How Long Does It Take to Walk 10 Miles?

The exact time can vary depending on several factors, such as your walking pace, fitness level, terrain, and weather conditions.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how long it might take to walk 10 miles:

Walking pace:

  • Leisurely pace (2-3 mph): Around 4-5 hours
  • Moderate pace (3-4 mph): Around 3-4 hours
  • Brisk pace (4-5 mph): Around 2-3 hours

Fitness level:

  • If you’re an experienced walker or hiker, you can maintain a faster pace and complete 10 miles in a shorter time.
  • If you’re new to walking or have limited endurance, it may take you longer, especially if you need to take frequent breaks.


  • Walking on flat, paved surfaces will generally be faster than hiking on uneven, hilly, or challenging terrain.

Weather conditions:

  • Hot or humid weather can slow you down and make the walk more strenuous, potentially increasing the time it takes.
  • Cold or windy conditions may also affect your pace and overall walking experience.

It’s important to note that these are just estimates, and your actual walking time may vary. It’s always a good idea to plan for breaks, hydration, and rest stops, especially if you’re attempting a longer distance, like 10 miles.

How far is 10 miles?

Ten miles is a significant distance to walk, especially for those who are not accustomed to long-distance walking or hiking. To put it into perspective, here are some comparisons that can help you visualize how far 10 miles is:

In terms of distance:

  • Ten miles is approximately 16 kilometers or 16,000 meters.
  • It’s the equivalent of walking from one end of a large city to the other or across several neighborhoods.

In terms of steps:

  • The average person takes around 2,000 steps per mile.
  • Therefore, 10 miles would be approximately 20,000 steps.

In terms of time:

  • As mentioned earlier, it typically takes most people around 3 to 4 hours to walk 10 miles at a moderate pace.
  • This is about the duration of a half-day hike or a long walking tour.

In terms of energy expenditure:

  • Walking 10 miles can burn around 600-800 calories for an average person, depending on their weight, pace, and terrain.
  • This amount of calorie burn is equivalent to several hours of moderate physical activity.

In terms of landmarks:

  • Ten miles is approximately the distance from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Mission District in San Francisco.
  • It’s also roughly the distance from Central Park to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City.

While 10 miles may seem like a daunting distance, it’s important to remember that it’s a manageable goal with proper preparation, pacing, and hydration. Breaking it down into smaller segments or setting intermediate goals can make the journey feel more achievable.

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Average time to walk 10 miles for women

On average, women take longer than men to walk 10 miles. Here’s an approximate breakdown of the average time it takes for women to walk 10 miles:

Leisurely pace (2-3 mph):

  • For most women, walking 10 miles at a leisurely pace of around 2-3 miles per hour (mph) can take anywhere from 4 to 5 hours.

Moderate pace (3-4 mph):

  • At a moderate pace of 3-4 mph, the average time for women to walk 10 miles is typically between 3 to 4 hours.

Brisk pace (4-5 mph):

  • For women who can maintain a brisk pace of 4-5 mph, the time to walk 10 miles can range from 2 to 3 hours.

It’s important to note that these are general estimates, and the actual time can vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • Age: Younger women may be able to walk faster than older women.
  • Fitness level: Women who are physically fit and have a higher level of endurance may be able to walk faster and cover the distance in less time.
  • Terrain: Walking on flat, paved surfaces will generally be faster than hiking on uneven or hilly terrain.
  • Weather conditions: Hot, humid, or windy conditions can slow down the pace and increase the overall time required.

Individual stride length, body composition, and walking experience can also play a role in determining the average walking pace and time for women.

It’s always recommended to start with shorter distances and gradually build up to longer walks, like 10 miles. Proper hydration, rest breaks, and appropriate footwear can also help make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

Walk 10 Miles a Day

Average time to walk 10 miles for men

Men tend to walk slightly faster than women, so the time it takes for men to walk 10 miles is less. Here’s an approximate breakdown of the average time it takes for men to walk 10 miles:

Leisurely pace (2-3 mph)

At a leisurely pace of around 2-3 miles per hour (mph), most men can expect to take between 3.5 to 5 hours to walk 10 miles.

Moderate pace (3-4 mph)

Walking at a moderate pace of 3-4 mph, the average time for men to cover 10 miles is typically between 2.5 to 3.5 hours.

Brisk pace (4-5 mph)

For men who can maintain a brisk pace of 4-5 mph, the time to walk 10 miles can range from 2 to 3 hours.

It’s worth noting that these are general estimates, and the actual time can vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • Age: Younger men may be able to walk faster than older men.
  • Fitness level: Men who are physically fit and have a higher level of endurance may be able to walk faster and cover the distance in less time.
  • Terrain: Walking on flat, paved surfaces will generally be faster than hiking on uneven or hilly terrain.
  • Weather conditions: Hot, humid, or windy conditions can slow down the pace and increase the overall time required.

Individual factors like stride length, body composition, and walking experience can also influence the average walking pace and time for men.

It’s important to remember that these are averages, and individual variation can be significant. Some men may be able to walk faster or slower than the average times mentioned above, depending on their circumstances.

Health benefits of walking?

Improves heart health

Regular walking can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by keeping your heart strong and improving circulation.

Helps in losing weight

Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that can help you burn calories and shed excess weight when combined with a balanced diet.

Reduces the risk of dangerous diseases

Walking can lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer (breast, colon), and other chronic conditions like osteoporosis.

Boosts immunity

Walking can improve your immune function by increasing the circulation of disease-fighting antibodies and white blood cells throughout the body.

Improves brain health

Walking has been shown to enhance cognitive function, reduce the risk of dementia, and even promote the growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis).

Encourages creative thinking

The rhythm and repetitive nature of walking can boost creativity and problem-solving abilities by allowing your mind to wander and make new connections.

Increases energy

Regular walking can improve cardiovascular fitness, which can lead to increased energy levels and stamina for daily activities.

Strengthens bones and muscles

Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can help build and maintain strong bones and muscles, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and muscle weakness as you age.

Improves mood and mental health

Walking can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by releasing endorphins (feel-good hormones) and promoting a sense of well-being.

Walking is truly a versatile and accessible form of exercise that offers numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Incorporating regular walks into your routine can be a simple yet effective way to improve your overall well-being and quality of life.

Walk 10 Miles a Day

How do you make a 10-mile walk interesting?

Here are some great tips to make a 10-mile walk more interesting:

  • Change your walking route: Exploring new routes and scenery can keep your walk engaging and prevent boredom. Try different neighborhoods, parks, or nature trails to add variety to your walks.
  • Listen to your favorite music or podcasts: Creating a playlist of upbeat or motivational music can make the time fly by. Alternatively, you can listen to audiobooks, podcasts, or educational materials to stimulate your mind during the walk.
  • Walk with a friend: Having a walking buddy can make the distance feel shorter and more enjoyable. You can catch up on conversations, share stories, or engage in friendly competitions to keep each other motivated.
  • Set goals: Break down your 10-mile walk into smaller, achievable goals. For example, you can aim to reach specific landmarks or milestones along the way, rewarding yourself with a short break or a healthy snack when you get them.
  • Add strength exercises: Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, or push-ups at regular intervals during your walk. This can add variety, challenge your muscles, and ensure your walk is manageable.

Remember, the key is to find activities or techniques that resonate with you and keep your mind engaged throughout the 10-mile walk.

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How many steps are in 10 miles?

The number of steps in 10 miles will vary depending on an individual’s stride length, which is influenced by factors such as height, leg length, and walking pace. However, we can provide an estimate based on average stride lengths for men and women.


To calculate the number of steps in 10 miles, we need to know the average number of steps per mile. This can be determined by dividing the distance in miles by the average stride length.

Number of steps per mile = 5,280 feet per mile / Average stride length (in feet)

Average stride length

The average stride length for men and women is as follows:


  • Average stride length: 2.5 feet (0.76 meters)


  • Average stride length: 2.2 feet (0.67 meters)


  • Number of steps per mile = 5,280 feet / 2.5 feet (average stride length)
  • Number of steps per mile ≈ : 2,112 steps
  • To calculate the number of steps in 10 miles:
  • Number of steps in 10 miles = 2,112 steps/mile × 10 miles
  • Number of steps in 10 miles ≈ : 21,120 steps
  • For women:
  • Number of steps per mile = 5,280 feet / 2.2 feet (average stride length)
  • Number of steps per mile ≈ : 2,400 steps
  • To calculate the number of steps in 10 miles:
  • Number of steps in 10 miles = 2,400 steps/mile × 10 miles
  • Number of steps in 10 miles ≈ : 24,000 steps
  • Please note that these are rough estimates based on average stride lengths.

individual’s actual stride length and number of steps per mile may vary depending on their height, leg length, walking pace, and other factors.

How many calories do you burn walking 10 miles?

The number of calories burned while walking 10 miles can vary based on several factors, including your weight, walking speed, terrain, and overall fitness level. However, here’s an estimate based on averages:

For a person weighing around 150 pounds (68 kg)

  • Walking at a moderate pace of 3 mph (4.8 km/h) for 10 miles burns approximately 600-700 calories.
  • Walking at a brisk pace of 4 mph (6.4 km/h) for 10 miles burns approximately 700-800 calories.

For a person weighing around 180 pounds (82 kg)

  • Walking at a moderate pace of 3 mph (4.8 km/h) for 10 miles burns approximately 720-840 calories.
  • Walking at a brisk pace of 4 mph (6.4 km/h) for 10 miles burns approximately 840-960 calories.

For a person weighing around 200 pounds (91 kg)

  • Walking at a moderate pace of 3 mph (4.8 km/h) for 10 miles burns approximately 800-930 calories.
  • Walking at a brisk pace of 4 mph (6.4 km/h) for 10 miles burns approximately 930-1,070 calories.

These estimates are based on the assumption that the walking is done on a relatively flat surface. If the terrain is hilly or includes inclines, the calorie burn can be higher due to the increased effort required.

Walk 10 Miles a Day

Is walking 10 miles in 70 minutes good?

Walking 10 miles in 70 minutes is an excellent pace and an awe-inspiring achievement. Here’s a breakdown of why this is considered a good walking speed:

  • Average walking speed: The average walking speed for most people is around 3 to 4 miles per hour (mph). Walking 10 miles in 70 minutes translates to a pace of approximately 8.6 mph, which is more than twice the typical walking speed.
  • Marathon walking pace: Professional race walkers in marathon events typically maintain a pace between 7 and 9 mph. Walking 10 miles at 8.6 mph is within this range and is comparable to the pace of elite race walkers.
  • Fitness level: To sustain a pace of 8.6 mph for 10 miles requires a high level of cardiovascular fitness, leg strength, and endurance. This pace is achievable for well-trained and experienced walkers or athletes but would be challenging for most casual walkers.
  • Calorie burn: At a pace of 8.6 mph, a person weighing around 150 pounds (68 kg) would burn approximately 900-1,000 calories in 70 minutes, which is a significant calorie burn rate.
  • Distance covered: Walking 10 miles in 70 minutes is a significant distance to cover in a relatively short amount of time. Most people consider this a challenging workout or training session.

If you can walk 10 miles in 70 minutes while maintaining proper form and without excessive strain or discomfort, it indicates a high level of fitness and endurance. However, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking such intense walking sessions, especially if you are new to exercise or have any underlying medical conditions.

Is walking 10 miles in 90 minutes good?

This pace translates to approximately 6.7 miles per hour, which is significantly faster than the average walking speed of 3-4 mph for most people. Maintaining such a brisk pace for an extended distance, like 10 miles, requires a combination of cardiovascular fitness, leg strength, and endurance. 

Furthermore, this pace is relatively time-efficient, making it a practical option for those with limited time for exercise or the need to fit in a longer walk during their daily routine. However, it’s important to note that the perception of a good pace can vary based on individual fitness levels, age, and overall health conditions. If you can comfortably maintain this pace without excessive strain or discomfort, it indicates a commendable level of fitness. 

Can a 10-mile daily walk help you lose weight?

Walking 10 miles per day helps with weight loss. Here are a few key points about how walking 10 miles daily can contribute to losing weight:

  • Calorie Burn: Walking is a moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. On average, a person weighing around 150 lbs can burn approximately 600-700 calories by walking 10 miles. This significant calorie burn creates a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss.
  • Low Impact: Walking is a low-impact exercise, which means it puts minimal stress on your joints. This makes it a sustainable form of exercise that you can do regularly without excessive strain on your body.
  • Metabolism Boost: Regular walking can help increase your metabolic rate, which means your body burns more calories, even at rest. This metabolic boost can aid in weight loss over time.
  • Consistency: Walking 10 miles per day requires a significant time commitment and consistency. This regular physical activity can help create a calorie deficit and establish a healthy routine that supports weight loss goals.

it’s important to note that weight loss also depends on your overall calorie intake. While walking 10 miles per day can contribute significantly to creating a calorie deficit, you may need to combine it with a balanced, calorie-controlled diet to achieve optimal weight loss results.

How do I track my walk time?

There are several ways to track your walk time, and here are some standard methods:

Smartphone Applications

  • Fitness tracking apps like Google Fit, Apple Health, Strava, and MapMyWalk are popular options. These apps use your smartphone’s GPS to track your distance, time, pace, and route.
  • Pedometer apps like Step Counter and Pacer can also be useful for tracking your walk time, especially if you’re walking indoors or in areas with poor GPS signals.

Wearable Devices

  • Fitness trackers and smartwatches like Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Garmin devices are designed specifically for tracking various activities, including walking. They can provide detailed information about your walk time, distance, pace, and even heart rate.


  • A simple stopwatch or the stopwatch feature on your smartphone can be used to time your walks manually. While this method doesn’t track distance or other metrics, it can give you an accurate measure of your walk duration.


  • If you’re walking on a treadmill, most modern treadmills have built-in timers and distance trackers that can help you monitor your walk time and distance covered.

Mapping Tools

  • Online mapping tools like Google Maps or apps like MapMyWalk allow you to plan your walking route and estimate the distance and approximate time it will take to complete the walk based on your desired pace.

Consistent tracking of your walk time and distance can help you monitor your progress, set achievable goals, and make adjustments to your routine as needed to support your weight loss or fitness objectives.

Walk 10 Miles a Day

Walking Tips for Beginners

Here are some walking tips for beginners:

  • Wear comfortable walking shoes that support your feet and ankles. Look for shoes with good arch support and cushioning.
  • Stay hydrated by bringing water with you on your walk. Drink water before, during, and after your walk to stay hydrated. Dehydration can make you feel tired.
  • Start slow and walk at a pace that feels comfortable for you. Don’t try to walk too fast too soon. Listen to your body.
  • Stretch your muscles before and after walking, especially your calves, hamstrings, and back. Gentle stretching can prevent soreness.
  • Fuel your body with a healthy snack 1-2 hours before your walk. Good options include a banana, yogurt, or protein bar to maintain your energy levels.

Frequently Asked Question

How long will it take to walk 10 miles?

The average time it takes to walk 10 miles is around 3-4 hours, depending on your pace and fitness level. A brisk three mph walk will take around 3 hours and 20 minutes.

How many calories will I burn walking 10 miles?

Most people can expect to burn between 800 and 1,000 calories by walking 10 miles. Exact calorie burn depends on factors like your weight, pace, terrain, and more. 

What gear or equipment do I need?

The main things you’ll need are a good pair of walking shoes, comfortable clothes appropriate for the weather/temperature, water to stay hydrated, and, optionally, a phone or music player to help pass the time. 

How can I build up to walking 10 miles a day?

Start with shorter walks of 30-45 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Gradually increase your distance or time by 10% each week to avoid injury. After a few weeks, you should be able to comfortably.

What can I expect in terms of fitness gains?

Within a few months of walking 10 miles per day most days, you’ll likely see improvements in endurance, heart health, muscle tone, weight management, and stress reduction. 

Final Thoughts

Walking 10 miles per day is an ambitious but highly beneficial goal that can drastically improve your health when done consistently over time. While it will require a significant time commitment of around 3-4 hours per day at a moderate pace, walking 10 miles burns 800-1000 calories. 

For beginners, it’s important to start more gradually by increasing your distance by 10-20% each week to safely build endurance without injury, wearing comfortable shoes to cushion your joints, staying hydrated on longer walks, fueling with healthy snacks to maintain energy levels throughout, listening to your body.

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