How Long Does It Take to Walk 2 Kilometers? (Comprehensive Guide)

Walking is one of the simplest and most accessible forms of exercise. It’s an easy way to stay active and improve your overall health and fitness. If you’re planning a walk or need to estimate how long a particular walking route will take, it’s helpful to know the distance and your typical walking pace.

One common distance for walks is 2 kilometers, which is just over 1.2 miles. So, how long does it take to walk 2 kilometers? The time it takes can vary based on a few key factors, like your walking speed, terrain, and overall fitness level.

Slower walkers may take up to 40 minutes, while very brisk walkers could finish the 2km distance in as little as 20 minutes. Factors like age, weight, uphill terrain, and carrying heavy items can also increase the time required.

Why 2 Km?

2 kilometers is a popular distance for walking for a few key reasons:

  • It’s a reasonable distance for most people.
  • For the average person, 2 km is a walkable distance that provides a good workout without being too challenging. It’s just short, but also not excessively long.
  • It fits nicely into daily routines.
  • Walking 2 km takes most people around 25-30 minutes at a moderate pace. This makes it easy to incorporate into a daily routine before/after work, during a lunch break, or as part of a morning/evening exercise habit.
  • It aligns with fitness recommendations.

2 kilometers hits a sweet spot – far enough to get in a solid workout, but not too far for most people to walk reasonably easily. Its manageable length is why it’s such a popular target for daily walks.

Average time of walk for men and Women

Men and women walk at different speeds on average. When looking at walking times, we need to separate the numbers for men and women.

Average Time for Women to Walk 2 km by Age

For women, the average time to walk 2 kilometers (a little over 1 mile) changes based on their age:

  • Women 20-29 years old: Around 24 minutes
  • Women 30-39 years old: Around 25 minutes
  • Women 40-49 years old: Around 26 minutes
  • Women 50-59 years old: Around 28 minutes

Women 60-69 years old: Around 30 minutes

Average Time for Men to Walk 2 km by Age

For men, the average times to walk 2 km are a bit faster than for women at each age:

  • Men 20-29 years old: Around 22 minutes
  • Men 30-39 years old: Around 23 minutes
  • Men 40-49 years old: Around 24 minutes
  • Men 50-59 years old: Around 26 minutes
  • Men 60-69 years old: Around 29 minutes

As people get older, their average walking speed decreases a bit for both men and women. But at any given age, men tend to walk a little faster than women on average.

Why is walking good?

Here are explanations in easy and simple English for why walking is good, using the points you provided:

Improves Heart Health

Walking is good exercise for your heart. It makes your heart beat faster and pump blood better around your body. This helps keep your heart strong and healthy.

Helps Lose Weight

When you walk, your body burns more calories than just sitting. The more you walk, the more calories you burn. Burning calories helps you lose extra weight.

Reduces Risk of Dangerous Diseases

Regular walking can lower your risk of getting serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. It keeps your body healthier.

Boosts Immunity

Walking gets your blood pumping. This helps your body’s immune system work better to fight off sicknesses like colds and flu.

Improves Brain Health

Walking increases blood flow to your brain. This helps your brain stay sharp and lowers the risks of brain problems like Alzheimer’s disease.

Encourages Creative Thinking

When you walk, it clears your mind and gets your creative juices flowing. Many people get good ideas while out walking.

Increases Energy

Even though it’s exercise, walking boosts your energy levels throughout the day rather than making you feel drained.

Strengthens Bones and Muscles

The motions of walking work out your leg muscles and bones. It keeps them strong, especially as you get older.

Improves Mood and Mental Health

Walking releases feel-good hormones in your brain that improve your mood. It can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.

Is walking 2 km in 20 minutes good?

Walking 2 kilometers (about 1.2 miles) in 20 minutes means walking 6 km per hour (3.7 mph). For most people, this would be considered a brisk walking pace, faster than a casual stroll.

Whether this 2 km in 20-minute pace is good depends on the person and their goals. It could provide a good walking workout for someone looking to exercise and raise their heart rate. But for a very fit person training for a race, they may want an even faster pace.

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walking 2 km

Is walking 2 km in 30 minutes good?

For most healthy adults, walking 2 km in 30 minutes is a relatively relaxed pace. It works out to about 4 km/hour or 2.5 miles/hour. This pace allows you to get some exercise and movement, but it may not provide an intense cardiovascular workout.

For people looking to improve their general fitness or for low-impact exercise, this pace could be considered good. It’s a reasonable target for daily walks, especially for beginners or older adults.

However, for people looking for a more vigorous workout or training for fitness events, walking 2 km in 30 minutes may be too leisurely of a pace. Faster paces that increase the heart rate more would likely be better targets.

How many steps is a 2 km walk?

For most adults:

  • A mile is approximately 2,000 steps
  • 2 km is about 1.24 miles

So for a 2 km walk, a reasonable estimate would be:

2,000 steps x 1.24 miles = 2,480 steps

However, some factors that could increase or decrease this number include:

  • Taller people with longer stride lengths may take fewer steps per mile
  • Shorter people with shorter strides may take more steps per mile
  • Walking pace – a faster walking pace often results in fewer steps per mile
  • Terrain – walking uphill or on uneven surfaces may increase step count

As a general guideline:

  • People with a shorter stride may take 2,600-2,800 steps for 2 km
  • People with an average stride may take around 2,400-2,600 steps
  • People with a longer stride may take 2,200-2,400 steps

However, there can be significant individual variation. Using a step counter or fitness tracker is the best way to get an accurate personal step count for any given distance walked.

How many calories do you burn walking 2 km?

Walking is a healthy way to exercise and burn calories. The number of calories you burn depends on how far you walk and your body weight.

The keyword phrase How many calories do you burn walking 2 km? asks about the approximate calories burned from walking a distance of 2 kilometers (km).

To calculate this, we need to know a few things:

  1. 1 km is about 0.6 miles
  2. A person of average weight burns around 100 calories per mile walked
  3. 2 km is equal to 1.2 miles

So for an average person, walking 2 km (1.2 miles) will burn around 120 calories.

The exact number can vary based on your weight, walking speed, terrain, and other factors. But in simple terms, a 2 km walk at a moderate pace will allow most people to burn roughly 100-150 calories.

Will walking 2 km a day help you lose belly fat?

The key benefits of walking 2 km per day for losing belly fat are:

  • It burns calories: The number of calories burned from a 2 km walk can range from 100-300 calories depending on your weight and walking speed. This calorie burn adds up over time.
  • It’s low-impact: Walking is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints. This makes it a sustainable daily activity.
  • It can be combined with diet: While exercise alone may not lead to big weight loss, combining a 2 km daily walk with a calorie-controlled diet can help shed belly fat.

However, more than solely walking 2 km per day may be required for some people to lose significant belly fat. Adding in another exercise like strength training can also help burn more calories and tone abdominal muscles.

Is daily walking 2 km enough for exercise?

While walking 2 km (1.24 miles) per day may not seem like an intense workout, it can provide significant health benefits for many people. Experts generally recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, and a daily 2 km walk at a brisk pace can help achieve that goal. 

Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s easy on the joints, making it an accessible option for people of various fitness levels and ages. However, the benefits gained from a 2 km daily walk can vary based on factors like walking speed, terrain, and an individual’s current fitness level.

Plan your walking routine

Here is a plan for a walking routine, following the outline you provided:

Set Your Goals

Before starting a walking routine, it’s important to set clear goals. Do you want to improve cardiovascular fitness, lose weight, reduce stress, or enjoy the outdoors? Defining your goals will help you tailor your routine and stay motivated.

Choose a Walking Route

Select a route that suits your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as distance, terrain (flat or hilly), scenery, and safety. You can explore your neighborhood, nearby parks, or trails for a varied and enjoyable walking experience.


Begin your walking session with a warm-up to prepare your body for the activity. Simple exercises like arm circles, leg kicks, or marching in place can help increase blood flow and reduce the risk of injury.

Start Slow

If you’re new to walking or haven’t been active for a while, start with shorter distances and a slower pace. Gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness level improves. This approach will prevent burnout and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

Include Intervals

To add variety and challenge to your routine, incorporate intervals of faster walking or even jogging. This can help improve cardiovascular fitness and boost calorie burn. Start with shorter intervals and gradually increase the duration and intensity.

Cool Down

After your walk, take a few minutes to cool down and allow your heart rate to return to its resting state. You can perform gentle stretches or continue walking at a slower pace.

Establish a Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to seeing results from your walking routine. Set aside specific times in your day or week for your walks, and treat them as important appointments. This will help make walking a habit.

Track Your Progress

Use a fitness tracker, smartphone app, or a simple notebook to record your walking distance, duration, and any other relevant metrics. Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and identify areas for improvement.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during or after your walks. If you experience persistent pain or injury, take a break and consult a healthcare professional if necessary. Proper rest and recovery are essential for maintaining a safe and effective walking routine.

walking 2 km

Frequently Asked Question

What is the average walking speed?

The average walking speed for most healthy adults is around 5 km/hr or 3 mph. However, this can vary based on age, fitness level, terrain, and other factors.

How long does it take to walk 2 kilometers at an average pace?

If you walk at the average pace of 5 km/hr, it should take you 24 minutes to walk 2 kilometers.

Does the terrain affect the walking time?

Yes, the terrain can significantly impact the time it takes to walk 2 kilometers. Walking uphill or on uneven surfaces will generally take longer than walking on a flat, paved surface.

Can physical fitness level affect walking time?

Absolutely. Individuals who are more physically fit and have a higher level of endurance may be able to walk 2 kilometers faster than those who are less fit or have lower endurance levels.

Is there a difference in walking time between men and women?

There is no significant difference in walking time between men and women of similar age and fitness levels. However, factors such as stride length and muscle mass can play a role in individual walking speeds.

Final Thoughts

Walking 2 kilometers is an achievable goal for most people and can provide numerous health benefits. The exact time it takes to walk this distance can vary significantly based on factors like age, fitness level, walking speed, and terrain. 

However, for an average adult walking at a moderate pace on flat ground, 25-30 minutes is a reasonable estimate for completing a 2 km walk. By incorporating this distance into a regular walking routine, individuals can improve cardiovascular health, boost metabolism, reduce stress levels, and enjoy the simple pleasure of getting outside for some low-impact exercise. 

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