How Long Does It Take To Walk 2 Miles? Improve Your Time & Stay Active

It is a simple idea that is relatable and quickly targets many people who wish to get into exercise and walk 2 miles. Despite the closeness of these destinations, it may take some time to cover the distance, judging from the walking duration.

With the amount of time a 2-mile walk takes, How Long Does It Take To Walk 2 Miles? it is good to have a general knowledge of walking time and equipment, especially for first-timers or for those who are looking to up their walking exercise regime. It is understood that any average and physically fit adult can cover a distance of 2 miles if they are walking at a moderate and comfortable speed for about thirty minutes.

It is a regular activity that many people use to resolve and accomplish goals in terms of fitness. However, there may be people who will choose to walk the distances, and some individuals may question the time required so that they can cover the distance. 

How Long Does It Take to Walk 2 Miles?

How long it will take everyone’s pace is different. Factors like age, fitness level, speed, terrain, and more will affect your time. For most healthy adults, walking 2 miles at a comfortable, moderate pace usually takes 30-45 minutes.

For those just starting or less fit, it may take closer to 45 minutes or even an hour. And faster walkers in excellent shape could do it in under 30 minutes. The best way to know your own pace is to time yourself on a 2-mile walk and see how long it takes.

The main thing is to get moving at your own pace. Don’t worry about speed – enjoy the health benefits of a 2-mile walk, however long it may take you. Being active is better for your body and mind.

How far is 2 miles?

  • 2 miles is equal to approximately 3.2 kilometers.
  • To put it in more tangible terms, 2 miles is a little over 30 minutes of casual walking for most healthy adults.
  • It’s a short enough distance that it’s achievable for many beginning exercisers or those getting back into an activity routine.
  • However, it’s also long enough that it provides noticeable health benefits from moderate physical activity.
  • 2 miles is far enough that you can comfortably build up a sweat and get your heart rate up if you maintain a brisk pace.
  • As a frame of reference, 2 miles is about the distance of walking continuously for 20-30 minutes at a moderate 13-15 minute per mile pace.

Average time to walk 2 miles for women by age

The average time it takes for a woman to walk 2 miles varies depending on her age. Generally, younger women can walk 2 miles faster than older women.

For women in their 20s and 30s, the average time to walk 2 miles is 30-40 minutes. Women in this age group are usually in their peak physical condition and fitness level. Walking 2 miles is a moderate pace for them.

For women in their 40s, the average time increases slightly to around 40-45 minutes. As women approach their 40s, their cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength may start to decline slowly. So it takes longer to walk the same distance.

Average time to walk 2 miles for men by age

Most men average 30-40 minutes to cover the distance. As age increases, fitness levels start declining gradually for many. The average time is longer compared to younger years. Men in their 50s usually walk 2 miles within 35-45 minutes. Physical changes related to aging have a small but increasing effect. It may take more effort to maintain the same pace.

For those in their 60s, the average falls between 40-55 minutes. Age-related health issues like stiff joints or reduced muscle mass impact walking ability. The time required reflects lower endurance on average.

Most men who are 70 years old and older average 50 minutes to 1 hour to complete 2 miles. Senior men tend to move at a slower, more cautious speed due to joint mobility or safety concerns in older age.

walk 2 miles

What are the health benefits of walking?

Improves heart health 

Walking regularly makes your heart stronger. It lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke by improving cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Helps in losing weight 

Walking burns calories and helps control your weight. Just 30 minutes a day can prevent weight gain or assist in slow weight loss.

Reduces risk of diseases 

Diseases like diabetes, cancer, and dementia become less likely. Walking keeps your body healthy and able to fight sickness.

Boosts immunity 

Exercise like walking pumps more oxygen to your organs and tissues. This allows your immune system to work better at fighting infections.

Improves brain health 

Walking increases blood flow to your brain and supports brain cell growth. It may help prevent memory loss and lower your chance of Alzheimer’s disease.

Encourages creative thinking  

Spending time outside walking gives your mind a break to relax and solve problems in new ways. Nature can inspire creativity.

Increases energy 

Physical activity like walking makes you feel more energized. Your body learns to function with greater endurance.

Strengthens bones and muscles 

Low-impact walking is gentle on joints but strengthens bones and muscles through regular movement. It reduces the chances of fractures.

Improves mood 

Walking outdoors releases feel-good hormones in your brain like serotonin and endorphins. It lifts mood and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms.

How do you make a 2-mile walk interesting?

  • Change your walking route: Exploring new paths, neighborhoods, or trails helps time pass more enjoyably than the same old route.
  • Listen to your favorite: music or podcasts. Having entertaining audio content distracts you from any boredom while logging the miles.
  • Walk with a friend or family member: Socializing as you exercise makes it more fun, and you can motivate each other.
  • Set goals for yourself: Challenge yourself to walk faster, include jogging intervals, or try to finish in a specific time to add goal-oriented fun.
  • Add small strength exercises along the way: For example, do squats or crunches at lamp posts to mix it up from pure walking.
  • Bring your pet along if they enjoy walks. Quality time with a furry companion makes exercise more enjoyable.

The key is finding ways to stay engaged and interested to do moderate exercise like a 2-mile walk pass pleasantly. Variety helps over the long term.

You might want to check: How Long Does it Take to Walk 4 Miles? The Perfect Distance for Beginners

How many steps are in 2 miles?

The average number of steps in 2 miles depends on a person’s stride length. To calculate the number of steps:

  • There are 5,280 feet in 1 mile
  • So there are 10,560 feet in 2 miles
  • Assuming the average stride length is 2.25 feet
  • To calculate the number of steps, divide the total distance by the stride length:

On average, with a stride length of 2.25 feet, it would take approximately 4,692 steps to walk 2 miles.

For example, if someone’s stride length is exactly 2 feet even:

  • 10,560 feet / 2 feet per step
  • Would equal 5,280 steps to walk 2 miles
  • The number of steps can vary based on factors like height, fitness level, and walking speed that determine a person’s actual average stride but generally, around 4,500-5,000 steps is common for 2 miles.

How many calories do you burn walking 2 miles?

There is no single exact number for how many calories are burned walking 2 miles, as it can vary depending on factors like a person’s weight, speed, terrain, etc. However, here are some general estimates:

  • For a 130-pound person, walking 2 miles at a moderate pace of 3-4 mph would burn around 200 calories.
  • For a 170-pound person, walking 2 miles at the same pace would burn around 240 calories.
  • Walking 2 miles at a slower pace of 2-3 mph would burn around 150-180 calories for a 130-pound person and 200-220 calories for a 170-pound person.
  • Hills or uneven terrain will cause more calories to be burned compared to walking the same distance on flat ground.
  • Carrying weights while walking will also slightly increase the calorie burn.

Most sources estimate that the average calorie burn for walking 2 miles is in the range of 150-250 calories, depending on individual factors. The pace, terrain, weight carried, and a person’s weight all impact the precise number of calories burned.

walking 2 miles

Is walking 2 miles daily enough?

Walking 2 miles each day can provide some benefits, but more physical activity may be required for optimal health. Walking 2 miles takes approximately 30-40 minutes at a moderate pace. This level of activity helps improve cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes. 

It also offers mental health benefits by reducing stress and anxiety. However, walking only 2 miles a day may not meet the minimum physical activity guidelines from health organizations. The CDC and WHO both recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, like walking or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Walking 2 miles only adds up to 30-40 minutes a few times a week.

Can a 2-mile daily walk help to lose weight?

Walking 2 miles per day can contribute to weight loss, but the impact may be modest on its own without a calorie-controlled diet. When it comes to weight loss, diet is far more important than exercise. Nonetheless, walking does burn calories, and excess calories burned through physical activity can help produce a calorie deficit needed for weight loss over time. 

Walking 2 miles typically burns 100-200 calories for most people. Doing this daily would equate to burning 700-1400 extra calories per week. While this small deficit could theoretically lead to 1/2 to 1 pound of weight loss per week, a calorie-controlled diet is still needed to see significant results.

How to track my walk time?

  • Use a fitness tracker or smartwatch – Many popular models like Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch have built-in pedometers and activity tracking that will count your steps and measure how long you’ve been actively walking.
  • Use your phone’s clock – A simple option is to note the start time when you head out and check the clock when you get back to calculate walk time. Some phones have essential steps/activity tracking, too.
  • Take notes in a walking journal – Jot down the date and start/end times of walks to keep a log over time. You can also note other details like distance, route, weather, mood, etc.
  • Set a timer – Physically use a stopwatch, kitchen timer, or timer function on your device to start when walking out the door and stop when returning.
  • Track with GPS watches – More advanced sports watches have built-in GPS that can precisely track the duration, distance, and pace of outdoor walks.

Being consistent about starting/stopping the timer or syncing data afterward will help you accurately log how long you spend walking each day or week. Over time, you can track improvements in your walking time.

Walking Tips for Beginners

  • Start slow: Try to walk only a short distance or fast at first. Start with short, 10-15 minute walks and slowly increase time and distance over weeks.
  • Warm-up and cool down: Do some light stretching and easy walking at the start and end of your walk to prepare and recover your body.
  • Choose comfortable shoes: Well-fitting sneakers that provide support and cushioning will prevent injury as you increase your activity level.
  • Pay attention to form: Stand tall, engage your core, and swing your arms naturally when walking. This makes it easier on your body.
  • Walk for transportation: Park farther away or get off the bus a stop earlier to add steps to your daily routine.
  • Find a walking buddy: Having company can motivate you to stick to a routine, and walking is a low-risk activity to do socially distanced.
  • Use apps and music: Tracking your walks and listening to entertainment makes the time pass more enjoyable.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after your walks, especially on warmer days.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the average walking pace for 2 miles?

The average walking pace is 3-4 mph. At this pace, it would take 30-45 minutes to walk 2 miles.

How long does it take a beginner walker to walk 2 miles?

For beginners just starting a walking routine, it may take 50-60 minutes to walk 2 miles. Their pace is typically 2-3 mph.

How long for a recreational walker?

Most recreational walkers can walk 2 miles in 30-40 minutes, maintaining a pace of 3-4 mph. Their level of fitness allows for a slightly faster pace.

How long for a faster walker?

Very fast or athletic walkers who train regularly can walk 2 miles in as little as 25-30 minutes, averaging a 4-5 mph pace.

Does terrain, weather, and age impact time?

Yes, hilly or uneven terrain, as well as heat, cold, rain, or inclines, can slow a walker’s pace and increase the time. Age and lower fitness levels also typically mean a slower pace and more time to walk 2 miles.

Final Thoughts

Walking 2 miles a day can be a reasonable and achievable goal for many people to incorporate regular moderate exercise into their daily routine. While it may not be enough activity on its own to meet full physical activity guidelines, it does offer significant health benefits when done consistently over time. 

Tracking one’s walk time is essential, as it allows a person to monitor improvements in their pace and endurance as they continue their walking routine. Small increases in distance, adding inclines or other intensity variations, and supplementing walks with additional exercise can maximize the benefits. 

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