How long does it take to walk 7 miles? – Extended Guide

Walking is a simple way to get exercise and travel shorter distances. Sometimes you might wonder how long a walking trip of a certain number of miles will take you. 

How long does it take to walk 7 miles? asks about the time required to walk a distance of 7 miles. The amount of time depends on factors like your walking speed and pace, terrain, and whether you take breaks. For most people walking at a moderate pace on flat ground, 7 miles would take around 2 to 3 hours to complete.

Whether you’re an avid hiker looking to conquer a new path or just Someone trying to get some healthy exercise, knowing how long 7 miles will take to walk is crucial information. The answer can vary based on factors like your fitness level, the terrain, and walking pace. 


Age is an important factor that affects how long it takes someone to walk 7 miles. As people get older, walking for long distances usually becomes more difficult and takes more time.

Younger people tend to be able to walk 7 miles faster than older adults. This is because when we are young, our bodies are stronger and have more energy. Young adults and teenagers can often walk at a brisk pace without getting as tired.


Gender is one factor that can influence how long it takes someone to walk 7 miles. In general, men tend to walk slightly faster than women over long distances like 7 miles.

There are a few reasons why men may complete a 7-mile walk quicker than women on average:

  • Men typically have longer strides and take bigger steps compared to women of the same height. This allows men to cover more ground with each step.
  • Men usually have more muscle mass and upper body strength. This can make it easier to sustain a faster walking pace for an extended period.
  • Some studies show men require slightly less energy expenditure than women to walk at the same speed.


A person’s height can make a difference in how long it takes them to walk 7 miles. Taller people tend to be able to walk faster and complete 7 miles in less time compared to shorter people.

The main reason is that taller individuals typically have longer legs and a bigger stride length. With each step, their legs can cover more ground. Shorter people with smaller legs need to take more steps to go the same distance.

Stride/Step length

A person’s stride length, or the distance covered in each step, makes a big difference in how long it takes them to walk 7 miles. People with longer strides can cover more ground with each step, allowing them to walk faster overall.

Stride length is mainly determined by a person’s height, but leg length and stride technique also play a role. Taller people naturally tend to have longer strides than shorter people.


A person’s overall fitness is one of the biggest factors that determines how long it will take them to walk 7 miles. Someone who is very fit and exercises regularly will likely be able to walk 7 miles much faster than someone who is out of shape.

Being physically fit provides more endurance and stamina. Fit people can maintain a brisk walking pace for a longer period without getting as tired. Their muscles don’t fatigue as quickly over an extended distance like 7 miles.

Walking speed

Walking speed is one of the most important factors in determining how long a 7-mile walk will take. The faster you can walk, the less time those 7 miles will take to finish.

For most people, a normal, comfortable walking speed is around 3 miles per hour. At this pace, it would take approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes to walk 7 miles.


Having proper posture while walking is important for being able to cover a long 7-mile distance efficiently and without tiring out too quickly. Good posture allows you to walk faster with less effort.

When standing up straight with shoulders back and head upright, it opens up the chest and makes it easier to breathe deeply. This allows more oxygen to circulate and provide energy to the muscles.

Weather Conditions

The weather on any given day can impact how long it takes someone to walk 7 miles. Certain conditions make it harder to maintain a typical walking pace over a long distance.

Hot and humid weather can slow someone down significantly compared to cooler temperatures. The heat and mugginess can quickly lead to fatigue, overheating, and dehydration if proper precautions aren’t taken. Rest breaks may be needed more frequently.


Where you are walking those 7 miles makes a big difference in how long it will take to complete. The type of terrain and ground surface impact how quickly or slowly you can walk.

Walking 7 miles on a flat, paved surface like a neighborhood sidewalk or park trail is usually the fastest option. These smooth paths provide good traction and don’t require extra effort to navigate.

walk 7 miles

How many steps are there in a 7-mile walk?

To provide a thorough response, several factors need to be considered:

  • Average stride length: The number of steps taken over a given distance depends on an individual’s stride length, which can vary based on factors such as height, age, and walking pace. A standard estimate for the average stride length is 2.5 feet (0.76 meters) for adults.
  • Distance conversion: The distance of 7 miles needs to be converted to a unit compatible with stride lengths, such as feet or meters. One mile is approximately 5,280 feet or 1,609 meters.
  • Calculation: With the average stride length and the total distance in feet or meters, the number of steps can be calculated by dividing the total distance by the stride length.

For example, if we assume an average stride length of 2.5 feet:

  • 7 miles = 7 × 5,280 feet = 36,960 feet
  • Number of steps = 36,960 feet ÷ 2.5 feet/step ≈ 14,784 steps

it’s important to note that this is just an estimate, as individual stride lengths can vary significantly. Factors such as terrain, walking speed, and personal fitness level can also affect the actual number of steps taken.

How long are 7 miles in minutes?

The speed at which someone or something is traveling over those 7 miles. For example, if a person is walking at 3 miles per hour, it would take them over 2 hours to walk 7 miles. But if they were driving a car at 40 miles per hour, the 7-mile trip would only take around 10 minutes.

How long is 7 miles in minutes asks approximately how many minutes it would take to cover a 7-mile distance, based on whatever method of transportation and speed is being used. The critical pieces of information needed are the distance of 7 miles and the miles per hour rate that distance is being traveled.

Walking 7 miles a day burns how many calories?

The number of calories a person would burn by walking 7 miles in one day. The keyword mentions walking as the activity, specifies the distance as 7 miles, and states this distance is being walked in a day. The crucial part of the question is Burns, how many calories? which asks for the approximate calorie burn from doing this 7-mile walk over a day.

Walking is a good exercise for burning calories because it requires your body to do physical work by moving around. The more miles you walk, the more calories you will burn. For most people, walking 7 miles in a single day would burn somewhere between 500 to 700 calories. However, the exact calorie burn can vary a bit depending on factors like your weight, walking speed, terrain difficulty, and personal metabolism rate.

How long does it take to walk 7 miles on a treadmill?

The critical pieces of information are:

  • The activity is walking
  • The distance is 7 miles
  • The walking is being done on a treadmill

A treadmill is a piece of exercise equipment that allows you to walk or run in place while staying in the exact location. It has a moving belt that rotates so your legs can move as if walking normally, but you remain stationary.

To determine how long 7 miles would take on a treadmill, we need to know the walking speed being used. Most treadmills allow you to set and adjust the speed/pace at which you want to walk.

walk 7 miles

Is 7 miles a lot to walk?

Here are a few reasons why 7 miles is viewed as a lot of walking:

  • For the average person, 7 miles takes around 2-3 hours to complete at a moderate pace. Walking for that duration requires significant endurance.
  • Seven miles is much farther than most people’s daily steps. The general recommendation is 7,000-10,000 steps per day, which equates to around 3-5 miles for most stride lengths.
  • In terms of distance, 7 miles is quite far – it’s over 11 kilometers or just under 14,000 steps for most people. That’s farther than many walk routinely.
  • Walking 7 miles burns around 500-700 calories for most people, making it a very substantial workout in terms of calorie expenditure.
  • For many, 7 miles starts pushing into distances that can cause fatigue, sore muscles, or even minor injuries like blisters if one is not accustomed to walking that far.

while 7 miles is achievable for fit, active individuals who walk frequently, for the average person, it represents a long-distance walk requiring preparation and exertion. Anything over 5-6 miles is generally a lengthy walk for most.

Benefits of a 7-mile walk

The potential benefits can come from taking a 7-mile walk. Seven miles is a significant walking distance that provides an excellent cardiovascular workout. The listed items are some of the positive effects this 7-mile walk can have on your body and mind. Here’s what each benefit means:

Blood Pressure 

Walking regularly can help lower high blood pressure levels by strengthening the heart and improving circulation.

Keep you in shape

A brisk 7-mile walk burns lots of calories and works multiple muscle groups, helping you maintain an active, fit physique.

Calories burned

Most people will burn between 500-700 calories from a 7-mile walk, making it an excellent calorie-burning exercise.

Bone strength

Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that promotes higher bone density and strength, reducing osteoporosis risk.

Mental Health

Going for long walks releases endorphins that boost mood and can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.


The act of walking has been shown to increase focus, concentration, and creativity for many people.

Moods Balance

Exercise like walking can help regulate mood swings by stabilizing brain chemistry and reducing stress levels.

You might want to check: How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles? Average Times for Various Age Groups and Genders

Tips for Walking Routine

Here are some tips for starting a walking routine

Start small: If you are new to walking, begin with short 10-15 minute walks. Slowly increase the time and distance as you get used to it.

• Set a schedule: Pick a few days and times each week for your walks. Putting it on your calendar helps make it a habit.

• Wear comfortable shoes: Having shoes made for walking will prevent sore feet and injuries.

• Bring water: Drink water before, during, and after your walks to stay hydrated.

Change routes: Walk in different areas to keep it interesting. Explore new neighborhoods or trails.

Should we do any other exercise with a walk of 7 miles?

Walking 7 miles is a very long distance. It takes a lot of energy and strength. Adding extra exercises on top of such a long walk may be too much for many people.

Some light exercises before or after the 7-mile walk could be good. Stretching your legs, arms, back, and other muscles can help prepare your body for the walk. It can also help recover after walking that far.

Doing a few basic strength exercises like squats, lunges, or pushups might also be beneficial. These work your leg and arm muscles in a different way than just walking. But it would help if you didn’t overdo it with hard strength training on walk days.

How can you make a walking routine?

Making a Walking Routine

Start with small steps

When beginning a walking routine, it’s best to start slow. Go for shorter walks of 10-15 minutes at first. This helps your body get used to the new activity. Increase the time and distance gradually over several weeks.

Listen to music

Listening to your favorite music can make your walks more fun. It helps pass the time quickly. You can make a special playlist of upbeat, motivating songs for your walks.

Take a friend with you

Invite a friend to join you on your walks. Having someone to talk and laugh with makes the walk seem more accessible and more enjoyable. You can motivate each other to stick with the routine.

Walk barefoot

Consider walking barefoot sometimes, such as on a beach or grassy park. This allows your feet to move more naturally without restrictive shoes. However, be cautious about debris and hot surfaces when going barefoot.

The most important things are to start slow, make it pleasant, and be consistent. Treat your walks as special times to clear your mind and move your body. With some patience, walking can become a healthy, rewarding habit.

walk 7 miles

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take the average person to walk 7 miles?

For most people walking at a moderate pace of 3-4 miles per hour, it would take around 2 to 2.5 hours to walk 7 miles.

Does walking speed affect how long it takes to walk 7 miles?

Yes, walking speed makes a big difference. Someone walking at a faster pace of 4-5 miles per hour could complete 7 miles in 1.5 to 2 hours. A slower walker at 2-3 miles per hour may need 2.5 to 3.5 hours.

Would it take longer to walk 7 miles on a hilly route?

Walking uphill requires more effort, so a hilly 7-mile route would take longer than seven flat miles. Steeper and more frequent hills can add 30 minutes or more.

Do rest breaks impact the time to walk 7 miles?

Yes, if you stop frequently or take long rests, it will increase your overall time to walk 7 miles. Short breaks of 1-2 minutes keep you from slowing down much.

Is 7 miles considered a long distance to walk?

For most people, 7 miles is regarded as a long walking distance, especially for beginners. Covering this distance requires endurance and can take several hours.

Final Thoughts

Walking 7 miles is a significant distance that requires endurance for most people. The time it takes can vary considerably based on factors like walking speed, terrain, age, fitness level, and whether breaks are taken. However, for an average person walking at a moderate pace on flat ground, it typically takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete a 7-mile walk. 

While 7 miles is achievable for many, it represents a lengthy walking distance that burns a substantial number of calories and provides an excellent cardiovascular workout. Having an estimate of the time commitment can help plan out a 7-mile walk and determine if it fits within your schedule and abilities on a given day.

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