How to cancel anytime fitness membership – Updated Guide

Fitness is a popular gym chain that allows members to access fitness facilities worldwide. While the flexibility of Anytime Fitness gyms anywhere is appealing, some members may eventually want to cancel their membership.

Canceling a gym membership can sometimes take time, as there are specific policies and procedures to follow. How to cancel Anytime Fitness membership The simple steps a member can take to properly cancel their membership if they decide the membership no longer suits their needs or budget. 

A gym membership sometimes requires navigating policies and procedures. How to cancel an Anytime Fitness membership. However, members may eventually wish to end their membership. This article outlines the steps for properly canceling an Anytime Fitness membership.

1. In-person

Here are the key steps to cancel an Anytime Fitness membership in person:

  • Contact the Anytime Fitness Club where you signed up to cancel. Let the staff know that you would like to cancel your membership.
  • Visit the club in person to fill out a cancellation form. Be prepared to provide your name, membership ID, address, and reason for canceling.
  • You may need to give 30 days’ notice, depending on the specifics of your membership contract. Cancellations are effective 30 days from the date you give notice.
  • Ask the staff to verify that your cancellation has been processed. Request a copy of the cancellation form for your records.
  • Continue to use the club facilities until the 30-day notice period ends if you wish to do so.
  • Your membership and billing will be officially canceled after 30 days.

Cancelling in person allows you to immediately notify the club and get a copy of the cancellation form for your file in case of any issues. Be sure to verify that your cancellation was processed.

2. Online

Here are the key steps to cancel an Anytime Fitness membership online:

  • Sign into your online Anytime Fitness account through the member portal on the website.
  • Locate the cancel membership or end membership option, usually found in the account settings or profile section.
  • Click submit cancellation and fill out the online form providing your name, membership ID, contact details, and reason for canceling.
  • You may be asked to upload a picture of a government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, for identity verification purposes.
  • Your cancellation request will be processed and take effect in 30 days, according to your membership terms.
  • You may continue using the club facilities during the remaining 30 days if desired.
  • Check your account periodically within 30 days to confirm your cancellation was approved online.
  • After 30 days, your membership will be officially canceled, and billing will cease.

Using the online portal allows for a contactless cancellation. Please follow up and confirm your request was processed as intended.

fitness membership

3. By email

Here are the steps to cancel an Anytime Fitness membership by email:

  • Locate the email address for your specific Anytime Fitness club location on their website or from previous communications.
  • Compose an email with the subject line Membership Cancellation Request.
  • In the body of the email, provide your full name, membership ID number, and the date you wish for your cancellation to take effect.
  • Specify that you are requesting to cancel your membership by the 30-day notification period in your contract.
  • You can briefly explain your reason for canceling, but it is not required.
  • Request a confirmation email when your cancellation has been processed.
  • You may continue using the gym until 30 days from the cancellation email date.
  • Check for a reply confirmation within a few days. Follow up if there is no response.
  • After 30 days, your membership billing obligations will conclude.

Email provides a documented record of your cancellation attempt. Follow up if needed to ensure proper handling of your membership cancellation.

4. By Post

Here are the steps to cancel an Anytime Fitness membership by post:

  • Locate the mailing address for your Anytime Fitness Club location on their website or from your membership documents.
  • Draft a formal letter indicating you want to cancel your membership.
  • Include your full name, membership number, and home address in the letter.
  • Specify the date you would like your membership to be canceled, allowing at least 30 days’ notice as required by your contract.
  • Provide a reason for canceling, such as no longer being able to visit or afford the membership fees.
  • Sign and date the letter. Keep a copy for your records.
  • Mail the letter via certified mail requiring a signature receipt.
  • Continue to use the club during the 30-day notice period if desired.
  • Wait to receive a signed receipt as proof that the cancellation letter was received.
  • Follow up by phone or email if the receipt is not returned within a week.
  • Membership obligations will conclude 30 days after the notice date.

Sending by registered mail ensures delivery confirmation in case follow-up is needed to complete the cancellation.

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5. By call

Here are the steps to cancel an Anytime Fitness membership by phone:

  • Call the primary phone number for your local Anytime Fitness Club during business hours.
  • Inform the staff member that you need to cancel your membership. Be prepared to verify your identity by providing your name, member number, and other details.
  • Request a cancellation form be emailed or mailed to you so you have a record of contacting them.
  • Clearly state the date you want your cancellation to take effect (minimum 30 days’ notice).
  • The staff member may try to persuade you to stay – politely but firmly reiterate your request to cancel.
  • Ask for a cancellation confirmation number or have them note your request on your account.
  • Continue using the gym until the 30-day cancellation period ends.
  • Follow up via email if you are still waiting to receive the cancellation form within a week, as requested.
  • Your membership payments and access will conclude after the 30 days have passed.

Calling provides proof of timely notification, but be sure to follow up for written documentation of cancellation.

fitness membership

6. Do not Pay

Here are some key things to keep in mind about refusing to pay an Anytime Fitness membership:

  • Only stop paying after officially canceling your membership. This could result in extra fees, collections, and damage to your credit score.
  • Always follow the official cancellation process of giving at least 30 days’ notice in writing or verbally as outlined in your membership terms.
  • Refusing to pay before the cancellation period ends is considered a breach of contract, and they may still attempt payment collection.
  • Anytime Fitness could send unpaid balances to collections, which would affect your credit for several years.
  • They may also pursue small claims court action to recover costs if you refuse to pay past due amounts.
  • Cancelling properly ensures you meet your contractual obligations and prevents additional charges and collection actions.
  • If you have a legitimate dispute after canceling, request settlement in writing and keep documentation of all correspondence.
  • As a last resort, you can file a complaint with the state consumer protection office if cancellation terms weren’t followed.

The best approach is to formally cancel your membership through the approved method and continue with regular payments until cancellation is complete to avoid significant financial consequences down the road.

Terms to cancel Anytime Fitness Membership in the membership agreement

Here are the terms to cancel an Anytime Fitness membership:

  • You can cancel your Anytime Fitness membership anytime with proper notice.
  • The membership agreement will say how much notice you need to give before your next payment date. Usually, it is 30 days notice.
  • To cancel, you need to contact Anytime Fitness in writing. You can send an email or letter to their address.
  • In the letter or email, you need to say that you want to cancel your membership. Please give your name and member number so they know whose membership to cancel.
  • Make sure to send the cancellation notice at least 30 days before your next payment is due. That way, they will not charge you for the next month.
  • Once you give proper notice and the 30 days are over, your membership will be canceled, and you will not be charged any more fees.
  • Be sure to keep a copy of the cancellation letter or email in case there are any issues with canceling on time.
  • Read the agreement carefully so you follow all the rules for canceling written in the contract. This helps ensure your membership ends as requested.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the notice period required to cancel?

Most Anytime Fitness memberships require at least 30 days written notice before your next billing date to cancel. Be sure to cancel early enough to avoid being charged for an extra month.

Can I cancel my membership online?

While joining online is expected, you’ll need to cancel in writing by mailing or emailing a cancellation letter. There needs to be more than canceling by phone.

Will I be charged a cancellation fee?

Many locations only charge a cancellation fee if you give the required notice. But check your specific agreement – some places do charge a small fee (usually $50 or less).

What information do I need to include in my cancellation letter?

Be sure your letter includes your name, member number, cancellation request, and date you want the membership to end. Having these ensures they process it correctly.

When will my last payment be due after canceling?

As long as you cancel in time, your last payment will be for the month your notice ends. For example, if you give 30 days’ notice on May 15, your last payment would be for June.

Final Thoughts

Canceling a gym membership requires following the specific cancellation procedures outlined in your membership agreement. This ensures you fulfill your contractual obligations and do not face any penalties or fees. As shown here, Anytime Fitness generally requires 30 days written notice of cancellation. 

By thoroughly understanding the cancellation policy and carefully taking the necessary steps, whether by email, mail, or in person, members can smoothly end their membership when it no longer meets their needs. While navigating cancellation terms takes some effort, being diligent helps close out the financial agreement properly. Following the guidelines provides peace of mind that gym billing will stop on schedule and personal obligations will be met.

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