Orangetheory Inferno Workout: Templates and Tips

An Orangetheory Inferno Workout is a type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise class offered at Orangetheory Inferno Fitness studios. It involves doing different exercises at very intense levels for short periods, followed by recovery periods. 

The Templates and Tips part refers to pre-planned workout routines and advice on how to get the most out of the Inferno Workout classes. Orangetheory Inferno Workout: Templates and Tips These workouts aim to push people to their limits through intense bursts of exercise combined with active recovery periods. 

This high-intensity interval training (HIIT) experience is not for the faint of heart. Still, with the proper templates and tips, you’ll be able to conquer the inferno and emerge more vital than ever before.

What is the Inferno workout?

The Inferno workout is a particular type of exercise class offered at Orangetheory Inferno Fitness Studios. It is a very intense and challenging workout that combines different exercises done at a high level of effort for short periods.

During the Inferno workout, you will do exercises like running, rowing, weight lifting, and body-weight exercises at your maximum effort for a short burst, like 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then, you’ll get a brief recovery period before going hard again.

The workout is called the Inferno because it pushes your body to its limits and makes you sweat a lot like you’re working out in a scorching environment. The class is designed to keep your heart rate up in the orange and red zones, which burn a lot of calories.

The high-intensity intervals in the Inferno workout are meant to boost your fitness level and endurance over time. But it’s also important to listen to your body and work at your own pace during the intense periods.

Orangetheory Inferno workout 2G

The Orangetheory Inferno Workout 2G is a specific format of the Inferno workout at Orangetheory Fitness Studios. The 2G stands for 2 Group. In this format, the class is divided into two groups that rotate between the treadmill area and the weight room area.

One group starts on the treadmills, doing intervals of running, walking, or rowing at high intensity for short bursts. The other group begins with strength training exercises using weights, resistance bands, and their body weight.

After a set period, like 15-30 minutes, the two groups switch areas. So, the treadmill group moves to the weight room, and the weight room group goes to the treadmills. The Inferno part means the intervals are incredibly challenging, pushing your limits with short bursts of all-out effort followed by recovery periods.

Inferno workout 2G template 2024

Here is an example template for the Orangetheory Inferno Workout 2G format in 2024:

Treadmill Portion (23 mins)

  • 1 min push pace
  • 30 sec all out
  • 1 min walking recovery
  • Repeat this 3x
  • 1.5 min push pace
  • 45 sec all out
  • 1 min walking recovery
  • Repeat this 2x
  • 30-sec all-out push
  • 30-sec all-out push
  • 30-sec all-out push
  • 1 min walking recovery

Rower Portion (5 mins)

  • 200m row for distance
  • 30-sec recovery
  • 400m row for distance
  • 1 min recovery

Floor Portion (23 mins)

Block 1 (6 mins)

  • 15 dumbbell thrusters
  • 15 plank dribbles
  • Repeat 3x

Block 2 (6 mins)

  • 8 x TRX row
  • 8 x jumped lunges
  • Repeat 3x

Block 3 (5 mins)

  • 10 x power push-up
  • 10 x goblet reverse lunge
  • Repeat for time

Block 4 (6 mins)

  • 8 x single-arm snatch
  • 8 x hollow hold
  • Repeat 3x

Stretching (3 mins)

This template has treadmill push paces, all-out efforts, rowing, and a varied strength floor block to hit all muscle groups. Short breaks allow for recovery between intense intervals.

Orangetheory Inferno workout 3G

The 3G format at Orangetheory Inferno refers to their workout structure, where participants rotate through three different stations or areas – treadmills, rowers, and floor exercises. This format allows for smaller groups at each station and is typically used when the studio has a higher number of participants.

The Inferno workouts at Orangetheory Inferno are known for being particularly intense and challenging. These workouts often incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) principles, with periods of intense effort followed by shorter recovery periods.

Inferno workout 3g template 2024

While I can’t provide the specific details of the 2024 Inferno 3G template, some common elements you might expect in an Orangetheory Inferno workout could include:

  1. Treadmill blocks with push paces, all-out efforts, and incline challenges.
  2. Rowing blocks with high watts targets and power pushes.
  3. Strength floor blocks with compound exercises, core work, and high rep ranges.
  4. Minimal rest periods between blocks to keep the intensity high.

The exact structure, timing, and exercises would be determined by the head coaches at Orangetheory Fitness for that specific workout template in 2024.

Orangetheory Inferno Workout

Benefits of the Orangetheory Inferno Workout

The Orangetheory Inferno Workout is designed to be an intense, high-energy session that provides several benefits for participants. Here are some of the critical advantages of this workout:

Increase in Heart Rate

The Inferno Workout is structured to incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) principles, which involve alternating periods of intense effort with shorter recovery periods. This approach is effective in elevating your heart rate and keeping it elevated throughout the workout.

Set up a Milestone to Achieve

Orangetheory Inferno Fitness uses heart rate monitoring technology to track participants’ effort levels during workouts. The Inferno Workout is designed to challenge you to achieve and sustain a higher heart rate, often aiming for the Orange Zone or Red Zone (85% or more of your maximum heart rate). 

Burn More Calories

The combination of high-intensity intervals, full-body exercises, and minimal rest periods in the Inferno Workout creates an environment for efficient calorie burning. When you maintain an elevated heart rate for an extended period, your body burns more calories not only during the workout but also for several hours afterward, thanks to the afterburn effect or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).

your body with intense efforts, setting achievable heart rate milestones, and maximizing calorie expenditure, the Orangetheory Inferno Workout can contribute to improved overall fitness, weight management, and a sense of accomplishment for participants who push themselves to their limits during these demanding sessions.

Inferno workout: 2G vs 3G

When it comes to the Orangetheory Inferno Workout, there are some differences between the 2G (two-group) and 3G (three-group) formats. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

Less Rowing

In the 2G format, participants typically spend more time on the rowers compared to the 3G format. The 3G format introduces a third station (usually for floor exercises), which means less time is allocated for rowing. 

Beginner vs. Advanced

The 2G format is often perceived as more suitable for beginners or those who prefer a slightly less intense workout. With fewer stations to rotate through, the transitions between exercises may be smoother, and the overall pace can be more manageable for those new to high-intensity training.


In a 2G Inferno Workout, there are typically two coaches leading the class, with one coach focused on the treadmill/rower group and the other coach leading the floor exercises.

In a 3G format, there may be three coaches present, with one coach dedicated to each station (treadmills, rowers, and floor exercises). This allows for more individual attention and coaching at each station.

The choice between a 2G or 3G Inferno Workout may depend on personal preferences, fitness levels, and the availability of classes at a particular Orangetheory Inferno studio. Both formats can provide an intense, full-body workout experience.

Inferno Strategy Benchmark

When it comes to the Orangetheory Inferno Workout, having a strategy and setting benchmarks can help you maximize your effort and achieve your fitness goals. Here are some key areas to focus on and potential benchmarks to consider:


During the treadmill portions of the Inferno Workout, an incline is often used to increase the intensity and challenge. A benchmark could be to aim for a specific incline percentage or range during the push and all-out efforts.


Similarly, your speed on the treadmill is a crucial factor in determining the intensity of the workout. A benchmark could be to target a specific speed or pace during the push and all-out efforts. 

Transition Time

In the Inferno Workout, transitions between stations (treadmills, rowers, and floor exercises) are often quick, with minimal rest periods. A benchmark could be to minimize your transition time to a specific number of seconds (e.g., 10 seconds or less) to maximize your workout time and maintain a high intensity throughout the session.

Step-in/Step-out Time

Related to transition time, you could also set a benchmark for your step-in and step-out time on the treadmill. Aim to minimize the time it takes you to step on and off the treadmill, as these minor delays can add up throughout the workout.

Treadmill Time

During the Inferno Workout, you may have specific treadmill blocks or intervals where you aim to spend a certain amount of time in different heart rate zones (e.g., Orange Zone or Red Zone). 

Rowing Goal

For the rowing portions of the Inferno Workout, you could set a benchmark for your average watts or distance covered during specific rowing intervals or blocks. 

These benchmarks should be personalized to your fitness level and capabilities. It’s essential to start with achievable goals and gradually increase the intensity and targets as you become more comfortable with the Inferno Workout format.

Orangetheory Inferno Tips

Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of the Orangetheory Inferno Workout:

Set your pace

During the Inferno Workout, it’s essential to find a sustainable pace that allows you to push yourself without overexerting too early. Start at a challenging but manageable level, and gradually increase your intensity as the workout progresses. Pacing yourself correctly will help you maintain a high effort level throughout the entire session.

Hard Pull

When it comes to the rowing portions of the Inferno Workout, focus on a robust and controlled hard pull during your push efforts. Engage your legs, core, and arms to generate maximum power and watts, which will increase the intensity and calorie burn.

Don’t stop too early

The Inferno Workout is designed to challenge you to your limits. Resist the temptation to slow down or stop during all-out efforts or intense intervals. Push through the discomfort and fatigue, knowing that the recovery periods will follow. 

Rowing Technique

Proper rowing technique is crucial for maximizing your effort and avoiding injury. Ensure that you maintain good posture, engage your core, and follow the correct sequence of leg drive, body swing, and arm pull.

Hydrate well

The Inferno Workout is an intense and sweat-inducing session. It’s essential to stay hydrated before, during, and after the workout. Proper hydration will help you maintain your energy levels, prevent muscle cramps, and aid in recovery after the intense effort.

Additional tips

  • Warm up properly: Spend a few minutes warming up your muscles and gradually increasing your heart rate before diving into the high-intensity portions of the workout.
  • Focus on form: While pushing yourself, maintain proper form during exercises to avoid injury and maximize the effectiveness of each movement.
  • Listen to your body: The Inferno Workout is challenging, but if you experience sharp pain or discomfort, don’t hesitate to modify or take a break as needed.
  • Recover adequately: After an intense Inferno Workout, allow your body to recover with proper nutrition, hydration, and rest. This will prepare you for your next challenging session.

By following these tips and embracing the challenge of the Orangetheory Inferno Workout, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals and pushing your limits safely and effectively.

Orangetheory Inferno Workout

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How long does it take to complete an inferno workout?

An Inferno workout typically lasts around 30-40 minutes. Here are some critical details about Inferno workouts:

  • They are high-intensity interval training (HIIT) style workouts created by the Beachbody fitness program.
  • The workouts alternate short bursts of intense exercise with brief recovery periods.
  • Each workout is made up of around 15-20 sets lasting 30-60 seconds each, with 30-60-second recovery periods in between sets.
  • The exercises incorporate bodyweight moves like jump squats, high knees, plank moves, and more to get your heart rate up quickly.
  • Despite the short duration, the high intensity makes Inferno workouts extremely challenging and calorie-burning.
  • Proper warmup and cooldown are recommended before and after the intense intervals.

while the actual interval portion is only around 20-30 minutes, you’ll want to budget 30-40 minutes total when accounting for the warmup, cooldown, and transitions between exercises. The short but intense nature is the signature of Inferno and other HIIT-style workouts.

Should I take part in the Inferno workout as a beginner?

I would not recommend taking part in the Inferno workout right away. The Inferno workout is a highly intense and challenging high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that is designed for very fit and experienced individuals.

For beginners, it’s better to start with more beginner-friendly workouts and gradually build up your fitness level before attempting something as advanced as the Inferno. Here are a few tips:

  • Build a base first: Focus on lighter cardio like walking, cycling, or swimming, along with some basic strength training to build up your overall fitness foundation.
  • Start with beginner HIIT: Once you have a decent base, try beginner-level HIIT workouts that have lower-impact exercises and shorter intense intervals to ease into it.
  • Improve form: Make sure you have proper form for exercises before increasing intensity to avoid injury.
  • Listen to your body: Don’t push too hard too fast. Increase duration and intensity slowly as your fitness improves.
  • Consider a trainer: Especially for very intense workouts like Inferno, having an experienced trainer to guide you is very helpful when starting.

The key is progressing gradually based on your current fitness level. Jumping into the Inferno as an absolute beginner puts you at high risk of injury or burnout. Build up slowly, focus on form, and you’ll eventually be ready for more advanced HIIT workouts.

How can I book the Inferno workout in my studio?

There are a couple of common ways to book the Inferno workout at an Orangetheory Inferno Fitness studio:

Orangetheory App

  • Open the Orangetheory app on your mobile device
  • Log into your account
  • Select the studio location you want to attend
  • Choose the date and time for the Inferno class
  • Complete the booking process by reserving your spot

Mindbody App

  • Open the Mindbody app (some OTF studios use this app)
  • Search for and select your Orangetheory Inferno studio
  • Browse the schedule and find an available Inferno class
  • Log into your account or as a guest
  • Reserve your spot for the desired Inferno class date/time

Some key things to keep in mind

  • Inferno is a signature/unique workout, so availability may be limited
  • Book as early as the schedule is released to ensure you get a spot
  • Check the app frequently, as spots can open up due to cancellations
  • Arrive early (15-30 mins) to get set for the intense workout

Let the staff know if you need any assistance with booking the Inferno class through the app(s) used at your particular studio.

Orangetheory Inferno Workout

Frequently Asked Question

What is the Orangetheory Inferno Workout?

The Orangetheory Inferno Workout is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout offered at Orangetheory Inferno Fitness studios. It combines strength training, power exercises, and cardio intervals to push participants into the Orange Zone.

What are the templates for the Inferno Workout?

Orangetheory provides structured templates for the Inferno Workout, which alternate between floor exercises (strength and power) and treadmill/rower intervals.

What are some tips for the Inferno Workout?

Some tips include pacing yourself, listening to your body, using proper form, staying hydrated, and not being afraid to modify exercises as needed. It’s also helpful to familiarize yourself with the exercises and templates beforehand to maximize your performance.

How often should I do the Inferno Workout?

Orangetheory Inferno recommends doing the Inferno Workout 2-3 times per week, allowing for rest and recovery days in between. As with any high-intensity workout, it’s important to avoid overtraining and listen to your body.

What are the benefits of the Inferno Workout?

The Inferno Workout can help improve cardiovascular fitness, build strength and power, boost metabolism, burn calories, and increase overall endurance. 

Final Thoughts

The Orangetheory Inferno Workout is a highly challenging high-intensity interval training session that aims to push participants to their physical limits. Through its integration of intense bursts of cardio, strength, and power exercises performed at maximum effort, the Inferno workout delivers significant benefits like improved heart health, increased calorie burn, and enhanced overall fitness. 

While the intensity of the Inferno makes it unsuitable for absolute beginners, focusing on pacing, proper form, and gradually increasing one’s performance metrics over time allows individuals of varying fitness levels to take advantage of this effective full-body workout safely. Armed with the structured templates and strategic tips provided, participants can optimally challenge themselves physically and mentally during these demanding sessions.