Orangetheory Infinity Workout – OTF Signature Workout

Orangetheory is a fitness studio that offers a unique workout called the Infinity Workout. This workout is one of Orangetheory’s signature exercise routines. 

The Infinity Workout is designed to keep you moving and challenge your body in different ways. During the Orangetheory Infinity Workout, you will alternate between treadmill running and floor exercises that work for all your major muscle groups. The exercises change every few minutes, so your muscles stay engaged. 

The goal is to spend much time in the Orange Zone, which means your heart rate is elevated to maximize the calories you burn. The Infinity Workout provides a full-body challenge in a motivating group setting.

Orangetheory Infinity Workout Template

The Orangetheory Infinity Workout follows a specific template divided into three blocks of equal time. Each block focuses on a different exercise activity.

Tread Block: 14 minutes

The first block is the Tread Block, which lasts 14 minutes. During this time, you will be running or walking on the treadmills. The coach will provide instructions for intervals at different speeds and incline levels.

Rowing Block: 14 minutes

The second block is the Rowing Block, which lasts 14 minutes. For this segment, you will be doing rowing exercises on the rowing machines. The coach will guide you through different rowing intervals and efforts.

Floor Block: 14 minutes

The third block is the Floor Block, which is 14 minutes long. On the floor, you will be doing a variety of strength training exercises using weights, resistance bands, and your body weight. These exercises target all the major muscle groups.

Is the Infinity workout the same as the Dri Tri workout?

The Infinity workout is one of Orangetheory’s regular class formats. It follows a specific template where the class time is divided into three 14-minute blocks – one on the treadmills, one on the rowers, and one on the weight floor.

The Dri Tri workout is a unique endurance challenge that Orangetheory offers. It simulates an indoor triathlon event. During the Dri Tri, you rotate through extended bouts of running on the treadmill, rowing on the rowers, and doing exercises on the weight floor. The time spent on each activity is much longer than a regular class.

while both workouts involve rotating between the treadmills, rowers, and weight floor, the Infinity is a regular format class following a strictly timed template. The Dri Tri is an endurance challenge that is less structured but pushes you further on each activity.

Orangetheory Infinity Workout

Tips for Orangetheory Infinity Workout

Tip 1: You don’t need to be fast.

During the Infinity Workout, it’s not about how fast you go on the treadmill or rower. What matters is that you push yourself and stay in the Orange Zone, where your heart rate is elevated. Go at your own pace and focus on your effort level rather than speed. The coaches provide modifications so everyone can work at their own fitness level.

Tip 2: Take rest at intervals.

The workout is divided into timed intervals of exercise followed by short recovery periods. During the rest breaks, go a little easier, but keep moving. Don’t completely stop, or you may find it harder to regain momentum. The intervals let you catch your breath before the next push effort. Use the recovery periods wisely to shake out your muscles and get ready for the next interval.

Some other quick tips:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the class
  • Listen to your body and modify movements if needed
  • Have fun, and don’t be afraid to try new things

The Infinity format challenges your endurance but allows you to work at your own level. Take it at your own pace while giving your best effort.

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Are infinity workouts advisable for beginners?

The Infinity workouts can be suitable for beginners, but they may find them quite challenging at first. As a beginner, it’s important to listen to your body and not push too hard too soon.

The good thing about Orangetheory’s Infinity format is that it allows you to work at your own pace and fitness level. The coach provides modifications for each exercise so you can take it easier if needed.

For the treadmill and rower portions, the coaches set different speeds and intensities based on your abilities. As a beginner, you may start out walking or going very lightly on the rowers.

For the floor exercises using weights, you can use lighter weights or even just your body weight while you build up strength.

How many times does the signature infinity workout take place?

However, based on how Orangetheory structures its classes, here are a few possibilities for how often the Infinity workout may occur:

Multiple Times Per Day

The Infinity workout could potentially be one of the main daily workout formats that get cycled through multiple times per day at each Orangetheory studio location. Many studios offer the same workout multiple times throughout the day.

Weekly Rotation

It’s common for Orangetheory to have a weekly rotation of different formatted workouts across their schedule. So, the Infinity workout may be scheduled once or twice a week at any given studio.


Since it’s called their signature workout, the Infinity format may be highlighted as a special/featured workout that gets programmed periodically, perhaps monthly or bi-monthly.

Without official information from Orangetheory, it’s difficult to say for certain. The frequency likely varies by studio location as well based on each studio’s class schedule and instructor availability.

How do I book an Infinity workout class?

To book an Infinity workout class at Orangetheory, you have a few different options:

Use the Orangetheory app

The easiest way is to use Orangetheory’s mobile app. Open the app and select the Schedule tab. Here, you can view the class schedule for your home studio location. Any Infinity format classes will be listed clearly on the schedule. Simply tap on the Infinity class time you want and book your spot right in the app.

Call the studio

If you prefer, you can call your Orangetheory studio directly during their business hours. Let the front desk staff know you want to reserve a spot for the next available Infinity workout class. They can book you in right over the phone.

Visit the studio in person

You can also just stop by your Orangetheory studio and book an Infinity class in person with the front desk staff. They can show you the schedule and sign you up.

No matter which booking method you use, make sure to reserve your Infinity workout spot as early as possible, as these signature classes can fill up quickly. Booking at least a few days in advance is recommended.

Orangetheory Infinity Workout

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of the Orangetheory Infinity Workout?

The Infinity Workout follows a specific template of three 14-minute blocks – one block on the treadmills, one block on the rowers, and one block of strength exercises on the weight floor. 

How often is the Infinity Workout offered at Orangetheory Studios?

The Infinity Workout is considered Orangetheory’s signature workout format, so it is scheduled fairly regularly. Many studios offer it multiple times per week as part of their rotating schedule of different workout types.

Is the Infinity Workout suitable for beginners?

Yes, the Infinity Workout can be modified for beginners. The coaches provide easier options and lower intensity levels for the treadmill, rower, and floor exercises as needed. 

What equipment is used during the Infinity Workout?

Throughout the class, you’ll utilize the treadmills, water rowers, TRX suspension trainers, free weights like dumbbells, and your own body weight for exercises. 

How many calories can you burn during an Infinity Workout?

The calorie burn during an Infinity Workout can vary widely based on factors like weight, age, effort level, and fitness level. 

Final Thoughts

The Orangetheory Infinity Workout is a challenging yet flexible full-body workout that allows participants of all fitness levels to push themselves at their own pace. By alternating between treadmill running, rowing, and strength training floor exercises, the Infinity format keeps the body constantly engaged in different ways. 

The structured timing into 14-minute blocks provides built-in intervals to recover before the next push. With the guidance of Orangetheory’s motivating coaches, who offer modifications for any ability, the Infinity Workout allows you to maximize your effort and calorie burn while minimizing the risk of overexertion or injury. 

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