Orangetheory Strength 50 – All you need to know about

Orangetheory Strength 50 is a type of workout class offered at Orangetheory Fitness Studios. It focuses on building strength by using weights and resistance training. 

In this 50-minute class, you will lift weights and do exercises that work all the major muscle groups in your body. The Orangetheory Strength 50 class is designed to help you get stronger, build lean muscle, and boost your metabolism. 

The class moves at a steady pace, allowing you to use heavier weights and higher resistance levels than some other Orangetheory classes. Whether you are new to strength training or are looking to take your lifting to the next level, Orangetheory’s Strength 50 class provides a challenging full-body strength workout.

What is Orangetheory Strength 50?

Orangetheory Strength 50 is a 50-minute strength training workout class offered at Orangetheory Fitness Studios. It is focused entirely on resistance and strength exercises using weights and other equipment to work all the major muscle groups in the body. 

The class aims to help build lean muscle mass, increase strength, and boost metabolism through challenging strength training routines. Unlike some other Orangetheory classes that combine cardio and strength, the Strength 50 class is dedicated solely to resistance, strength, and muscle-building exercises for the full 50 minutes.

Strength 50 Upper body

The Orangetheory Strength 50 class includes exercises that work the upper body muscles. Here are some of the typical upper body exercises you may do in an Orangetheory Strength class:


  • Bench press (barbell or dumbbell)
  • Chest press machine
  • Push-ups (regular or with hand weights)


  • Rows (bent-over, seated, etc. with dumbbells or cables)
  • Lat pulldowns
  • Back extensions


  • Shoulder presses (barbell, dumbbell, or machine)
  • Lateral raises
  • Front raises


  • Bicep curls (dumbbells, barbells or cables)
  • Tricep extensions
  • Hammer curls

The class will usually incorporate a variety of upper body exercises using free weights like dumbbells and barbells, as well as weight machines. 

Strength 50 Lower body

The Orangetheory Strength 50 class also targets the lower body muscles through various resistance training exercises. Here are some typical lower body exercises you may do in this class:


  • Squats (barbell, dumbbell, goblet)
  • Lunges (forward, reverse, lateral)
  • Leg presses (machine)


  • Hip thrusts
  • Glute bridges
  • Donkey kicks


  • Deadlifts (barbell or dumbbell)
  • Good mornings
  • Hamstring curls (machine)


  • Calf raises (seated or standing)
  • Donkey calf raises

The lower body portion aims to strengthen the major muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. 

Strength 50 Total Body

The Orangetheory Strength 50 class is designed as a total body strength training workout that targets all the major muscle groups through resistance exercises.

Upper Body:

  • Chest (e.g., chest presses, push-ups)
  • Back (e.g., rows, lat pulldowns)
  • Shoulders (e.g., shoulder presses, raises)
  • Arms (e.g., bicep curls, tricep extensions)

Lower Body:

  • Quadriceps (e.g., squats, lunges)
  • Hamstrings (e.g., deadlifts, hamstring curls)
  • Glutes (e.g., hip thrusts, bridges)
  • Calves (e.g., calf raises)


  • Abdominals (e.g., crunches, planks)
  • Obliques (e.g., Russian twists)

The class flows through a series of total body exercises using a variety of equipment like dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, and weight machines. 

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What is the class format for Orangetheory Strength 50?

You’re correct; the typical class format for an Orangetheory Strength 50 class consists of the following components:

Warm Up

The class begins with a warm-up to get the muscles ready and raise your heart rate slightly. This may include some light cardio, dynamic stretches, and muscle activation exercises.

Four Blocks

The main strength workout is divided into four blocks that each focus on particular muscle groups or movement patterns. Within each block, you’ll do 2-4 exercises for a set number of reps or times. The blocks could target the upper body, lower body, and total body or follow other exercise splits.


After the four main blocks, there is usually a finisher set of exercises. This is an intense 1-2 exercise burnout round to fatigue the muscles at the end of the workout.

Cool Down

The class concludes with a remarkable down period involving static stretches for the major muscle groups worked. This helps reduce soreness and return your heart rate to resting levels.

The exercises, rep ranges, weights used, and block focuses can vary significantly in the Strength 50 classes. 

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Schedule of Orangetheory Strength 50

The Schedule of Orangetheory Strength 50 is a fitness program offered by Orangetheory Fitness, a popular gym franchise known for its high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. This schedule is designed specifically for individuals who prioritize strength training and building muscle. 

It combines elements of weightlifting, resistance exercises, and functional movements to target various muscle groups and promote overall strength development. The Strength 50 schedule typically involves a balanced mix of upper body, lower body, and core exercises, utilizing a variety of equipment such as free weights, resistance bands, and weight machines. 

Templates for Strength 50 Upper body

Here are some template workouts for the Orangetheory Strength 50 program focused on the upper body:

Upper Body Blast

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of dynamic stretches and light cardio
  • Superset 1: Bent-over rows (3 sets of 10-12 reps) + Push-ups (3 sets to failure)
  • Superset 2: Shoulder presses (3 sets of 8-10 reps) + Bicep curls (3 sets of 12-15 reps)
  • Tricep extensions (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
  • Finisher: Plank shoulder taps (2 sets of 60 seconds)

Chest and Back Attack

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of arm circles and light cardio
  • Superset 1: Chest presses (4 sets of 8-10 reps) + Lat pulldowns (4 sets of 10-12 reps)
  • Superset 2: Incline dumbbell flyes (3 sets of 12-15 reps) + Seated rows (3 sets of 10-12 reps)
  • Finisher: Push-up to renegade row combo (3 sets of 15 reps on each side)

Upper Body Strength Circuit

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of arm swings and jumping jacks
  • Circuit (3 rounds): Overhead presses (12 reps), Pull-ups (8 reps), Arnold presses (10 reps per arm), Renegade rows (12 reps per arm)
  • Finisher: Burpees (2 sets of 20 reps)

These templates can be adjusted based on individual fitness levels, available equipment, and personal preferences. 

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Templates for Strength 50 Lower body

The number 50 likely refers to the level or intensity of the workouts. So, these are strength training templates at an intermediate level, not for complete beginners or advanced athletes.

The Lower Body part means these workout plans focus on exercising and strengthening the muscles in the legs, hips, glutes, and core muscles like the abs. Joint lower-body exercises include squats, lunges, deadlifts, calf raises, and abdominal exercises.

Templates for Strength 50 Total Body

  • Templates: These are pre-planned workout routines or programs that are already designed for you to follow.
  • Strength: The goal of these templates is to increase your overall strength and build muscle.
  • 50: This likely refers to the level or intensity of the workouts. A level of 50 indicates these are moderately challenging routines, suitable for someone with an intermediate level of fitness and strength training experience.
  • Total Body: This means the workout templates are designed to target all the major muscle groups of your entire body from head to toe. They include exercises for your legs, arms, shoulders, chest, back, core and more.

Benefits of Orangetheory Strength 50

Strong heart

These strength workouts help make your heart stronger and healthier. When you exercise and build muscle, your heart has to work harder to pump blood to all those working muscles. This strengthens the heart muscle over time, allowing it to function better.

Sound Sleep

After an intense Orangetheory Strength 50 workout, you are more likely to sleep better at night. The physical exertion helps your body feel more tired and ready for high-quality, restful sleep.

Improved Motion

Doing these strength training exercises improves your overall mobility and range of motion. The movements involved help make your muscles and joints more flexible, allowing you to move your body better in daily life.

Sharper mind

Physical exercise like Orangetheory Strength 50 doesn’t just benefit your body – it also keeps your mind sharp. Working out increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, boosting cognitive function and focus.

How do Book a Strength 50 Class at OTF?

Orangetheory Fitness offers a particular type of class called Strength 50. This class focuses on strength training exercises using weights and other equipment. The 50 in the name means that the class is 50 minutes long.

To book a Strength 50 class at OTF, you need to follow these simple steps:

  • Open the OTF mobile app or website.
  • Go to the schedule or class schedule section.
  • Look for classes labeled Strength 50 on the schedule.
  • Select the Strength 50 class you want to attend based on the date and time that works best for you.
  • Click or tap the Book or Reserve button next to that class.
  • That’s it! After booking, you’ll be all set to attend the Strength 50 class at your local Orangetheory Fitness studio.

Is strength 50 for beginners?

The Strength 50 class is designed to be a challenging, intense, full-body strength and conditioning workout using various equipment like TRX straps, dumbbells, and weight plates. It moves at a fast pace with minimal rest between exercises.

While Orangetheory does offer options to modify the exercises, the Strength 50 format assumes participants already have some base level of strength, mobility, and familiarity with proper exercise form.

For beginners or those brand new to Orangetheory, it’s advisable to start with the regular 60-minute Orangetheory class first. This allows you to learn the basics, build up conditioning, and get coaching on form before taking on the more advanced Strength 50 workout.

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Frequently Asked Question

What is the Orangetheory Strength 50 class?

The Strength 50 class is a 50-minute strength training and conditioning workout offered at Orangetheory Fitness Studios. It focuses on building total-body strength using various equipment like dumbbells, TRX straps, and weight plates.

How difficult is the Strength 50 class?

The Strength 50 class is considered a high-intensity, challenging workout. It moves at a fast pace with minimal rest periods and is designed to push your strength and endurance limits. Prior strength training experience is recommended.

What kind of equipment is used in Strength 50?

Typical equipment used in the Strength 50 class includes dumbbells, weight plates, TRX suspension straps, medicine balls, and sometimes kettlebells or resistance bands. The exercises target all major muscle groups.

Is the Strength 50 class good for weight loss?

Yes, the Strength 50 class can be a practical part of a weight loss program. High-intensity strength training helps build lean muscle mass and burn calories both during and after the workout.

How often should I take the Strength 50 class?

Orangetheory recommends taking the Strength 50 class 1-2 times per week, combined with regular Orangetheory courses on other days. Allowing for proper rest and recovery between intense strength workouts is essential.

Final Thoughts

The Orangetheory Strength 50 class provides a challenging full-body strength training experience in a motivated group setting. While not recommended for complete beginners, this 50-minute workout offers an intensive way to build lean muscle, boost metabolism, and improve overall strength and conditioning. 

By incorporating a variety of resistance training equipment and exercises, the class targets all the major muscle groups through a series of focused blocks. Whether your goal is fat loss, muscle building, or improved fitness, adding the Strength 50 class to your routine can be an effective way to take your training to the next level. 

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